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How and why I unintentionally voted for a woman...

...For the position of new world leader no less.

By Nefarious DarriusPublished 3 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
Halloween 2020

3FEB2021; 2145, WED

Being that it's Black History Month, and considering the many sacrifices that were made so that people who have my dark complexion and whatnot can vote, I figure what better time to finally write and submit this post that's been sitting in my drafts since right around Election Day in November. I only had the title, subtitle, and featured image selected, but I digress.

Before anyone presumes, my mind wasn't dark enough to bank on a catastrophe befalling Biden just after he was sworn in, and "Communist" Kamala Harris succeeding him. Also, I've never voted for a donkey democrat ever, to the best of my recollection.

In case you're wondering, I've only voted in one general election and a couple primaries. I've only campaigned for republicans; although by most standards I'm not conservative really, and the compensation I received was halfway decent.

Of course, I'd have gladly campaigned for a few local, freedom loving dems, were there any such in recent times. According to the org that sponsored my efforts tho, "No democratic candidate has ever even applied for our services"- Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)'s political action committee (PAC), Operation Win At The Door, '18.

Just as an aside, I'm really glad that I decided to jump on the opportunity to dip my toes in the water of politics. Made a dear friend, fond memories, and a decent amount of pocket change.

So, if it's unclear still, I decided to vote for the Libertarian Party candidate, Ms. Jo Jorgensen in the most recent presidential election. Naturally, I'd never heard of her, that I can recall, before entering the booth; and she reportedly only garnered just over one percent of the national vote, along with whoever was her pick for Veep.

Now, being in a predominantly democrat leaning region (the DMV [DC, MD, VA] area), and a registered republican, I had little doubt that my vote didn't count or matter much regardless of who's name I put my mark beside. As the living legend, Yasiin Bey (Aka Mos Def) rapped back in '99 on his classic, debut solo album, Black on Both Sides, "It's simple mathematics!"

Speaking of awesome political Rhythm And Poetry (Rap), Nick Cannon's 2016 piece, "Too Broke To Vote" wasn't taken nearly seriously enough IMHO (in my humble opinion). Granted, he's not necessarily one to be heaped upon with praise; and he arguably shirked his big opportunity to raise valid questions recently, six months ago or so.

In any event, bars, especially acapella ones, hardly get harder than, "Voting for office is like picking out which gun you wanna get shot with". I don't know what it feels like to get those burning, catastrophic slugs put in me, nor do I want to know.

I've never aimed a gun in anger, despite being a Grunt that deployed during the cataclysmic, so-called War on Terror. As a matter of fact, the only time that I intentionally pointed a firearm at another person was moreso my own fault than anything; and wouldn't you know it that I had to aim one of my truck's machine guns at a random vehicle of unknown occupants.

Had I simply ensured that my truck's "lightsaber", that is, the huge, warning laser pointer, had some working AA's (batteries) in it, the whole situation could've easily been avoided. The potential VBED (Vehicle Born IED [Improvised Explosive Device]) wouldn't have gotten nearly close enough to my convoy to blow my face off, and I would've avoided the ensuing face-off (pardon the pun).

Again, I digress. I sincerely regret that I had no chance to see my friend, and fellow Vet, Adam Kokesh on the national stage, despite his relatively revolutionary ideals, and ideas to heal the nation by "Taking over the world and leaving everyone the hell alone", as is the unofficial Libertarian Party motto.

Here's to hoping someday soon we actually get a "two party system", and that candidates like Kokesh, as well as the phenomenal Dr. Ron Paul, actually get taken seriously rather than blackballed; and before it's too late at that. If not, maybe the feasibly inevitable collapse will give us a chance to pay more than lip service to the slogan "Build Back Better."


About the Creator

Nefarious Darrius

I'm a Grunt who’s been stuck in traffic for the past few decades or so. From DC to Seattle & Iraq; to back in "The Swamp". Also, I Love my Progeny more than life. Born Day: 4/20. Lastly, my 1st book, Wartime Snapshots is live! One Love.


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    Nefarious DarriusWritten by Nefarious Darrius

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