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Death Camps Unknown


By James NelsonPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

I had to post this after I saw someone using Schindler's List, as something I don't know, I won't presume to know what another person is thinking. My mind was just instantly compelled to share what I know in my heart. I will title it, "DEATH CAMPS UNKNOWN". Escape From Sobibo'r, era 1987 I had to watch that when I was four years old, many times. I remember it vividly. It was in the outskirts of the town, Sobibo'r in occupied Poland. Specifically, Wlodawa, Poland. It was the second concentration camp, more specifically, Extermination Camp. Overseen by SS Obersturmführer Thomalla, later to be replaced at least twice. Construction started in 1942.

In April 1942, the gas chambers were ready and a test using 250 Jews, proved them operational. Over a quarter million Jews died in the gas chambers of Sobibor, if my memory is correct. I don't have much doubt, it has been burned into my brain, but by all means fact check. Sobibor was one of three death camps, established as part of, Aktion Reinhard. The other two were Belzec and Treblinka. Over 40 survivors... not from being saved by allied forces but from REVOLT! Remembering this camp is important because it was one of the Nazis' best kept secrets. In the eyes of some survivor's they were still being victimized by the Nazis. This is why... when a survivor from Sobibo'r, shared his experience with another holocaust victim from another camp, he was told he had quite the imagination. For another Holocaust victim to say this to him... I will not even try to put his feelings into words! But I'm sure as he was doubted, the words "Schnell, raus, raus, rechts, links!" echoed in his head! FAST! OUT! OUT! RIGHT! LEFT!... Sobibors' victims and survivors were being disbelieved and forgotten.

In my opinion it was a result of the uprising. Something like this could never be known in the eyes of Nazis' and Nazi Sympathizers. I'm sure they went to extraordinary lengths to keep this quiet, but since I'm educating you with this story... THEY FAILED! Many people ask to this day, 'Why did no one pick up a gun and shoot, fight back somehow.' In many cases acts like that were followed by the SS killing sometimes up to 100 women, men and children, even infants, to deter this. Before the Sobibor Revolt, a few prisoners had escaped, despite all odds, but the SS made sure the cost was paid in blood and more. Prisoner Leon Feldhendler, was one of the inspiring people to help start the idea of the Revolt. Russian Soldier, First Lieutenant Alexander "Sasha" Pechersky was probably the one who gave life to the Uprising.

Stories of what he did in the death camp Sobibor, are said to be some of the first times a prisoner stood up to the Nazis' and won. Not long after he arrived in Sobibor is when around 600 prisoners said 'NO MORE,' and revolted. On October 14th 1943, at 4:00PM, the prisoners cut the telephone and electricity wires. At the end of this story I ask you to keep in mind, to pull this off they knew they would not all survive, not because of the men with guns, but because the camp was surrounded by landmines. They had no choice but to run through a mine infested field. If you want to learn about the holocaust from a source besides Hollywood Movies. To say any research on Sobibor would Suffice, would be dramatically understating. If this interests you at all at least watch the film. It is more accurate than not. I will sign off with, NEVER FORGET SOBIBOR, NEVER FORGET THE ATROCITIES, NEVER BE INDIFFERENT TO MAN'S INHUMANITY TO ALL LIVING!


About the Creator

James Nelson

I love music. Been playing guitar for over 20 years, piano even longer. I was brought up Jewish so I can read write and speak Hebrew. I'm an amazing fun nice guy.

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    James NelsonWritten by James Nelson

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