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Black-on-Black Crime Is a Reality

But what about White-on-White crime?

By Dre JosephPublished 7 years ago 6 min read

You know, sometimes I have a hard time understanding my fellow Americans.

I really don’t understand why some white people believe that black people (as a whole), and Black Lives Matter (as an organization) are fine with black criminals killing each other as well as killing other innocent blacks… but seem to get pissed when the police do it.

Let’s drill into this for a moment. I want to paint a picture for those who keep asking this question.

It's a nice sunny day. I’m happy because its Saturday and I have no plans… other than to spend time with my kids. I go pump up the football and take them to that park for a game of catch followed up by a nice picnic.

On the ride there, I put on some music that we all can listen to. Sure… it's not my favorite, but I know the kids love it. Before you know it, we are all singing along and having a good time.

Finally, we arrive at the park. Because it is so nice outside, the place is full. There are older people out walking their dogs, using the activity both as a means to exercise and as an excuse to socialize. There are beautiful young ladies out in their sundresses, some are watching the men play basketball, others joking amongst each other, and some just sitting and relaxing.

Everybody is happy.

We pull up and find a clear area next to the basketball court and immediately start throwing the ball around. My oldest son and I are working on teaching my youngest how to throw a perfect spiral, while he’s more focused on trying to throw the ball in a such a way that we can’t catch it.

I also notice my oldest sneaking glances at the pretty girls his age as they walk by. At 16 years old, I shouldn’t be surprised… but my heart swells nonetheless.

I remember when I was that age and the excitement I felt the first time I tried to flirt with a girl. I was with my buddies at the time. Sadly, he’s with his dad. But still, I saw the girl return his stare approvingly… there’s no time like the present.

I throw the ball to my youngest and begin to walk to the oldest to suggest he talk to her…

…I hear someone yell out from the basketball court. “You thought I wouldn’t find you? I got ya ass now.”

I hear a shot… then three more shots as I swing around to see what the hell is going on.

Now people are screaming and running in all directions.

I turn back around… intent on grabbing my own kids and getting the hell away from all this…

My son… my oldest is laying on the ground. His legs are twitching in pain…his hands clutching his neck in a futile attempt to stop the blood at is squirting from it. He looks at me in fear before his eyes roll to the back of his head and he gasps what turns out to be his last breath.

Now let me ask you this…

Do you think the next words out of my mouth are going to be, “well… at least the police didn’t kill him. LOL, then I would’ve been pissed.”.


“Damn… I’m glad it was another Black person that killed him…that makes it ok”


And do you know why? Because, when a crime, or a tragedy happens to you… you don’t care who robbed you, beat you, hurt you, raped you, killed you or someone you love… no, you’re concerned about the actual thing that happened or is happening to you.

If someone kills my son… I want justice!

If a thug down the street kills my son… I want justice.

If a drunk driver kills my son… I want justice.

If an armed robber kills my son… I want justice.

If my son gets killed by a stray bullet… I want justice.

If the President of the United States kills my son… I want justice.

If the cops kill my son… and he didn’t do anything to deserve it… I want justice.

I don’t care who the person is…

I don’t understand why this concept is so hard for some whites to grasp. I really don’t.

In all those cases, I want justice. And in all those cases, I expect law enforcement to do their jobs. Serve and Protect.

The only real difference here is that I know that there are many potential threats in the world that I have to protect my son from. And because I can’t protect him from everything, I try to make sure that I live in areas that have low crime rates. Areas that more or less abide by the rule of law.

But that doesn’t matter much when the threat turns out to be the people who I pay to protect me. I pay the cops to keep the thugs away. Who do I now have to pay to keep the cops away?

This idea of Black on Black crime being ok in the black community is just stupid. I’ve been black all my life and have never met a person that was ok with being beaten, raped, robbed or killed by anyone of any color.

The truth is when a crime occurs… we call the cops… just like someone of another race would.

Oh… and when the cops do catch the criminal, those criminals tend to go to jail. And if the criminal is black? They tend to go to jail for a long time. So I’m not getting that part about us not being concerned about Black on Black crime. If anything… one could argue that the extended sentences we often get means that we are more concerned with Black on Black crime than whites are with White on White crime? (which is at a level of 83% by the way).

But when the criminal is also the cop. What do you do then?

If you’re black…apparently, you just bend over and take whatever is coming your way.

It sounds harsh…but apparently, it's the truth because...

The good cops won’t help you. They’re too busy protecting their own ranks.

The courts won’t help you. They’re too busy siding with the police.

The media won’t help you. They’re too busy looking for something you did wrong years ago before you got killed. Because that somehow makes the killing ok.

Your fellow Americans won’t help you. They’re too busy thinking that any organization that calls out for justice must be racist

The government won’t help you. They’re too busy profiting from the division (that they helped to bring about)

Humans are concerned with crime. Doesn’t matter the color. But it's starting to seem as if some white people are only concerned with crimes that are potential threats to them.

They don’t see the cops as threats to them…so they can justify any all cop killings, good and bad.

To them, I say..

Just wait… your time is coming. Every time a cop is allowed to behave in a manner that is against the integrity of the badge they wear or the oath they swore… another cop sees that and makes a mental note of what he can get away with.

Right now, they do this in poor communities and minority communities.

It's foolish to think that it will always be this way.

It will start happening to others soon enough, but by then it may be too late to put the evils back in Pandora’s Box.

Just like the War on Drugs that you ignored…until it landed on your doorsteps.

Just like the AIDS breakout that you ignored… until it landed on your doorsteps.

…this too will land on your doorstep eventually.

I’m curious what you’ll say then.


About the Creator

Dre Joseph

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    Dre JosephWritten by Dre Joseph

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