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A Thank You Letter To Donald Trump

You Have Made This Possible

By C. S. Phoenix Published 4 years ago 3 min read
A Thank You Letter To Donald Trump
Photo by Library of Congress on Unsplash

Dear Donald Trump,

I just wanted to say thank you. Our country is in chaos right now. No, our country is showing it's true colors, the chaos has been here. I wanted to thank you, for taking our country's wounds, that have band-aids placed over them for decades, and leaving them open to bleed.

I know you didn't actively do this, and I can't truly say it's your fault. You are just a catalyst. You did not cause the bullet wounds that have pierced our country, you just haven't put pressure on them to stop the bleeding. You didn't shoot Breonna Taylor as she slept. You didn't film the murder of Ahmad Aubrey. You didn't put your knee on George Floyd's neck. No, you just gave the people who acted in such a way, the feeling that they could.

These things didn't happen because of you. They would have happened one way or another. They are not new phenomena. Acts of hate are far too commonplace in our country. Police brutality wasn't invented or even perpetrated by you, it has been here. It has a long history in our country. You did, however, make the oppressors in our country feel safe. They feel protected with you in office and that has made them unapologetic in their actions. It has given them the false sense of security to act in the open. They want credit for it now.

This is why we have more evidence of hateful acts. Why more and more people who used to retort with “All Lives Matter” have begun to see the state our country is, and has been, in. They are starting to understand that supporting Black Lives Matter does not negate other lives, but that blacks in our country have a much different fight, and they have been fighting all along. Why, because you, Mister President, make the Klansman feel safe. Their systematic oppression of blacks in our country is finally being seen by people who didn’t believe it before. And it is being seen because they got comfortable. They got comfortable, because they thought, with you as president, the majority was on their side -- And you disregarded the popular vote.

Now cities across our country are burning. Riots are raging. Because of the simple fact that the bigots and racists thought that because you had won, they had won. They all forgot that this is a country ruled by the people, for the people. And the people have been marching across the country. We have the support of the world for the first time in ages. That support is not with you, it is with the country who is once again fighting for rights, for liberty, and for change.

You have tried to order our own military to control gatherings through whatever means necessary. Your chief of staff sent a memorandum to those same armed forces, reminding them that they swore to uphold the constitution and it's principles. This country is doing what it was born to do. What our constitution has given us the right to do. To stand up to those who want to hold us down. For we are not born to be servants to tyrants, but servants to ourselves. We are born to live, to strive for better, and to seek happiness. We were not made to fear the foundation that is supposed to protect us. We are not made to fear our neighbors. We are made, to stand side by side, as brothers and sisters, and defend each other from those who seek to rule us.

So thank you Donald Trump for stoking the fires of revolution, we will be taking our country back now.


About the Creator

C. S. Phoenix

Sports, fitness, writing, compassion, knowledge, and laughter. That is what I am made of.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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