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By Salini Kathir Published about a year ago 6 min read


The ability to change our confidence and self esteem along with our appearance. For decades, the fashion industry has been dominated by false beauty standards that favor a specific body type, leaving many people feeling excluded and inadequate. However, in recent years, Designers and businesses embracing diversity and inclusivity had shift toward body acceptance in fashion . This has been a remarkable transition that has enabled people to enjoy their bodies, regardless of shape or size, and express themselves via fashion. The influence of fashion on body positivity has resulted in a movement that is shattering traditional prejudices and promoting self-love and acceptance.


Everyone's body type should be recognised and embraced, regardless of its size, shape, or appearance and the social movement "body positivity" contends that. The goal of this movement is to increase self-confidence, body acceptance, self-love among people, especially in those who have traditionally been excluded or subjected to prejudice because of their size, shape, or appearance.

Body positivity is a major topic in the business since it goes against the long-established aesthetic standards of the fashion industry. The beauty industry has long pushed a constrained and unattainable beauty ideal that privileges a particular body type, typically tall and slim, and rejects anyone who does not conform to that ideal. The culture of body shaming and prejudice has led to low self-esteem and mental health concerns for more number of people.

The body positivity movement has challenged these conventions and inspired the fashion industry to be more inclusive and diverse. This has resulted in the creation of plus-size fashion, models of varied body shapes, and more diversified representation in advertising campaigns. Those who don't meet traditional beauty standards now have more options and a chance to be recognised, appreciated, and treasured because to the industry's advocacy of body positivity.


With various cultures and groups having their own set of ideas and behaviors towards Fashion and body image norms have been around for thousands of years.

Clothing was utilized to enhance particular physical attributes such as the waist or shoulders in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Greece. The wealthy wore ornate attire made of luxurious fabrics in ancient Rome, whereas the poor wore modest clothing made of less expensive materials.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, clothing was used to indicate social class and vocation, with peasants wearing plain, functional attire and the nobles wearing rich, elegant outfits. The Renaissance period saw a change in art toward more natural and realistic portrayals of the human body, which inspired fashion styles of the time. With a better awareness for the beauty of many body forms and a rejection of constrictive, unreachable beauty standards, there has been a growing movement in recent years towards more inclusive and diverse fashion and body image standards.


People's opinions of themselves and their worth are greatly influenced by social media, publications, television, and advertising. Particularly among young people, the portrayal of "perfect" bodies, which frequently involves the use of Photoshop and other image-editing programs, can encourage unachievable beauty standards and contribute to body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.

According to research, exposure to idealized media pictures can contribute to negative body image and self-esteem, as individuals may feel inadequate or unhappy with their appearance in comparison to these unrealistic standards. The constant exposure to photos of toned, attractive bodies can also fuel a desire for a body type that is out of reach for many people. Unhealthy habits like disordered eating and overexertion may result from this. A media movement that strongly emphasises inclusion, diversity, and body positivity is expanding on the other hand. This movement strives to question established beauty standards while also promoting self-love and acceptance. Positive portrayal of different body kinds and sizes can contribute to enhanced body satisfaction and self-esteem in those who may not suit traditional beauty standards.


Fashion, via openness and diversity, plays a critical part in encouraging body positivity. Historically, the fashion industry has been chastised for its restrictive beauty standards and lack of representation of people from diverse backgrounds and body kinds. More firms welcoming models of various sizes, colors, and abilities there has been a growing movement in recent years toward inclusivity and diversity in fashion. The employment of different models is one way that fashion is encouraging body positivity. Many brands are now integrating plus-size models in their commercials and catwalk presentations. It encourages people of all sizes to feel confident and happy in their own skin.and normalize all body types.

In addition to size diversity, fashion promotes body positivity by including models of many races, ethnicities, and abilities. This serves to highlight the beauty of diversity and encourages people to accept their own distinctive features and identities.

In addition, fashion designers are beginning to develop apparel collections that suit a larger range of body types. The confident appearance in the people can only be gained by select clothing that is practical for them


No People should be made to feel excluded or invisible because of their body type because people exist in various sizes and forms. By enabling people of all sizes to be seen, heard, and valued, size inclusive fashion and representation encourage inclusivity and diversity inside the fashion industry and beyond.

Second, body image and mental health may benefit from size inclusive fashion and portrayal. People will feel more confident and have higher self confidence if they see models and apparel designs that represent a variety of body shapes. This will assist to dispel negative preconceptions and cultural expectations about what bodies should look like.

Thirdly, the fashion industry may profit financially from size inclusive fashion and representation. There is a big market opportunity for companies that value inclusion because more consumers are choosing to wear larger sizes. Additionally, by providing a greater choice of sizes, firms can expand their clientele and boost sales.


It is crucial to promote healthy body image through ethical and sustainable fashion practices since the fashion industry has a big influence on how people view their bodies. The environment, workers' rights, and consumer welfare are given top priority in ethical and sustainable fashion practices, which also support diversity and inclusivity in the industry.

Embracing body diversity is one way ethical and sustainable fashion practices may encourage healthy body image. In order to do this, clothing must be made to fit and enhance all body types, and advertisements must include models of various heights, weights, shapes, ages, and talents. By showcasing a wide variety of body types the fashion industry can educate the public about the beauty and value of all bodies.

By placing an emphasis on worker rights and wellbeing, ethical and ecological fashion processes can also support positive body image. Numerous fashion workers are exposed to unfair labor laws and practices, such as long hours, low compensation, and dangerous working conditions. The fashion industry can support the development of a culture of respect for all bodies and the people who create our clothing by providing fair salaries, secure working conditions, and other worker rights.

Finally, by emphasizing environmental sustainability, ethical and sustainable fashion practices can encourage positive body image. The use of toxic chemicals, excessive water use, and the disposal of textile waste many fashion practices are damaging to the environment. The industry may help develop a culture of respect for the environment and our collective well-being by adopting sustainable practices such as employing eco-friendly materials and decreasing waste.


Finally, the power of fashion to produce inclusive and diverse portrayals of beauty is central to its influence on body acceptance. Fashion firms may promote a positive body image and help to break down conventional beauty standards by showing models of different shapes, sizes, ages, and races. They can also empower people with disabilities and promote a more inclusive society by using adapted and sustainable apparel.

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About the Creator

Salini Kathir

Emerging Fashion blogger

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