Vocal Creator Chat: 6/20/23

A place to connect and discuss all things Vocal.

By Vocal Creator ChatPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

Have questions about creating stories, growing your audience, and getting rewarded on Vocal? The Vocal community and team are here to help answer your questions and feedback together.

Every Tuesday at 12 PM ET, we'll assemble the Vocal community, as well as our Creator Experience and Product teams, in a thread to respond to creator inquiries for one hour.

Please follow Vocal’s Community Guidelines and don’t spam your own profile or stories in the thread. We encourage the community to report users or comments that break these guidelines.

Some updates and reminders from the Vocal team:

  • The Vocal Store launched last week, check it out!! Vocal+ users get 25% off all orders.
  • Based on your feedback we are implementing a Top Story badge, we're hoping to roll that out in the next week.

Got questions about Vocal or feedback about what’s new? Leave a comment in this thread to join the Vocal Creator Chat.

Also, be sure to join our Raise Your Voice Threads every Thursday at 12PM ET to champion inspiring stories and outstanding creators on Vocal. Save it to your calendar so you don’t miss it.


About the Creator

Vocal Creator Chat

Monthly on Tuesday @ 12PM ET, we we'll assemble the Vocal community, as well as our Creator Experience and Product teams, in a thread to respond to creator inquiries for one hour on Vocal. Subscribe now

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

Add your insights

Comments (30)

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  • Samuel Wright11 months ago

    I have trouble formatting simple tables on my blogs, the spaces between columns disappear when my post are published, throwing off the spacing. A simple menu of items just looks horrible. I have no idea how to fix it.

  • L.C. Schäfer12 months ago

    How long does a withdrawal typically take? I've had one pending for ten days, is that unusual?

  • Mack Devlin12 months ago

    And check out this contest entry from an amazing writer. Deserves top story at least. https://vocal.media/fiction/operation-17

  • Mack Devlin12 months ago

    Also still waiting on a Vocal community for disabled writers. Out of all the communities, there isn’t even a tag for disabilities or disabled life.

  • Mack Devlin12 months ago

    Is there a new writer spotlight or anything of the kind? There are writers who have been on here for years writing great content, but getting no recognition. Featuring new folks or lesser known Vocal writers will help some great talents gain the traction they deserve.

  • Noah Glenn12 months ago

    Hello, were creators given bonuses for their challenge suggestions or will that be at the end of the series? How long are suggestions accepted?

  • Starlight Tucker12 months ago

    I like these posts a lot! They're really exciting, and they persuade me to make sure I'm here every Tuesday and Thursday!

  • Mackenzie Davis12 months ago

    Does anyone else want there to be a search function in the iPhone app?

  • Jeh Wells12 months ago

    Hello my vocal people! I am new to the community and would love any advice you have for a newbie.

  • Mackenzie Davis12 months ago

    Hi everyone! Loving all the suggestions I’ve been reading. I’ve noticed some instances where I’d love to reply to a comment on a story, but there isn’t a way for that to happen. You can only reply to the initial comment and mention the person you want to respond to, but then I don’t think that person gets a notification, only the writer of the initial and the author, of course. If I’m wrong about the notification element, let me know! But I think it would be a great thing to optimize comment threads. Also, the idea of a direct message system between writers would be cool to have on Vocal, as opposed to relying on SM to talk to each other. There are some writers who don’t use Discord or FB or don’t use them regularly enough. What if we could DM each other on Vocal? I’m sure there are many reasons against this idea, but I suspect there could be a way to get it right. 🧐

  • ThatWriterWoman12 months ago

    Oh, and can we not include the picture in the estimated reading time? I think it puts people off!

  • Stephen A. Roddewig12 months ago

    If we could find a way to at least enable notifications if you reply to a thread and then someone else replies, that could be great for maintaining conversations. At present, you only see notification replies if you own the original comment (or at least that’s been my experience). That said, the person replying may not be replying to YOU, but as it currently stands, I think a lot of good conversations die because the onus is on you (the replier) to go back and check if anyone else has joined the conversation. Which assumes you remember where to look. The best solution would likely be implementing user tagging within comments, but as a fellow web dev who’s actually had to research how to implement such a feature, I know that’s not exactly something you throw together in a few days.

  • Andrei Z.12 months ago

    Hello everyone! I have been thinking, and now I have a few suggestions: 1. I reckon it'd be a good idea to move 'Your subscribtions' and/or 'Your feed' links from the pop-up menu to the main page beside the notifications icon AND then reduce the notifucations just to comments that were left on one's stories and replies to comments one left under other creators' stories (I also noticed that we don't get a notification when we leave a comment to a thread under someone else's comment and if they reply to us). Notifications about every published story may be too noisy sometimes and you need to scroll through a lot to see if you have some comments to answer to. Maybe, it still would be good to get notifications about stories from the creators who hadn't published in a long while. 2. This is a random thought, but I believe some might find it fun and useful: add a spoiler tag feature to our text formating arsenal. One, it can be used for masking spoilers (obviously). Two, it could be used for writing playable stories with branching storylines.

  • C. H. Richard12 months ago

    Hi I asked on last Creator chat about tag for fiction in the new Art community? Not trying to sound like a broken record but I was not given any answer. I do see several stories that have been submitted which are fiction. I did try to republish a story based on an actual sculpture in the Art community which was then kicked back to fiction and won't be eligible for the challenge. Same story was also given a bonus last week for previous reads which I'm not sure is correct. Any help will be much appreciated.

  • Judey Kalchik 12 months ago

    Hi All- doing work at work so not so active today on the thread. I HAVE been active through reading the latest stories and checking for unaccredited AI-Content. Some people are very willing to do the accreditation. If you are interested- this is the message I leave as a comment: Hello, it is a Vocal policy that content created with AI is identified as such at the start of the story/article. Please amend your piece to be in compliance. You can find the details here: https://vocal.media/resources/an-update-from-vocal-on-ai-generated-content, and if you are not a Vocal+ member, contact Vocal here ([email protected]) and ask them to edit your story/article/poem. If you don’t correct this the content may be removed by Vocal and/or you may be deleted from the platform. PS- In reading the Recent Stories I have found some AMAZING creators and stories where I can leave positive comments, too- and am so pleased that we have the Discord channel to use and suggest them as Top Stories.

  • Tiffany Gordon 12 months ago

    Hi there! I wanted to say that I really like the new leaderboard also I am checking in to see if you've made a decision regarding the Word count in the Humor Community. I am very interested in submitting humorous poetry to that community. Thx 4 your hardwork and time. 😍

  • Test12 months ago

    Hi everyone! I have a couple of questions/suggestions. 1. This one is on behalf of River Joy and myself. Is there any way Vocal can facilitate co-created stories? I know we can tag others in our stories already, but an option for Creator collaborations (where the collab shows on both Creator accounts) would be awesome. I understand the difficulties would probably lie around reads and payments. 2. Is there any way we can edit subheadings or images without the story being published as a new story? 😊

  • True Crime Writer12 months ago

    Spam, one of our biggest complaints, could be simplified through a nice "BLOCK" feature. Vocal currently is the only 'social' site without this feature, and we NEED it.

  • Suze Kay12 months ago

    Hi Vocal! Thrilled to hear about the prospect of a top story badge. Not sure if someone else has mentioned this before, but I have a recommendation for our profile pages. Right now, the bar of communities we've posted in is organized in alphabetic order, but I feel it would be more useful if it were organized in a hierarchy of how many posts in each section the user has made. Would this be possible, or is that a tall order?

  • Naomi Gold12 months ago

    Hi Vocal. As I shared in my Top Story, I put in a ticket to edit the picture on my poem for the Dancing With Distractions challenge. I received an email stating that I’d still be in the challenge, and that my submission was moved to drafts. It was not. The Vocal team deleted it, and still haven’t replied to my email about it being deleted. What does this mean?

  • Dana Crandell12 months ago

    Hi everyone. I'm late for the party again. No complaints of requests today; just dropped in to see what new ideas are popping up.

  • J. S. Wade12 months ago

    Hello everyone! Loving the new communities. Thank you, Vocal. Besides promoting them via our own social media, do you have recommendations from your massive research for us to target particular sites, specific hashtags, etc to do our part. There is power in numbers. We can have a cause and effect on trending if we are unified. Help us, help you. 😀

  • ThatWriterWoman12 months ago

    Ooooh sudden idea! What about genre-specific twitters/discord channels for communities? I find myself ignoring the twitter as I am a fiction gal. For example @Vocal_fiction_creators or something?

  • Melissa Ingoldsby12 months ago

    Please put Alvin’s story for top story https://vocal.media/fiction/the-oracle-8p1vai019n I loved this one

  • Paul Stewart12 months ago

    Hey all, Paul the word-messarounder from Scotland. I don't really have any real queries. Was wondering when the Top Story badges might be coming - I know Donna Renee had mentioned about that and we were told it was on the roadmap, but just wondering if there was any dates. That is all really. Loving all of the changes and tweaks that are being made by Team Vocal! Feels like we are being looked after as creators - so keep up the good work and good day to one and all!

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