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When Your Thoughts Are Overwhelming Your Mind

When you feel like you’ve lost control

By Carlos VelascoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

— “Hey, remember that you aren’t enough and you need to get this thing to feel good”.

— “OMG, can you please just shut up, why are you thinking that? You aren’t helping at all”.

— “Wait. No. I shouldn’t think that. I have to think positively to do better”.

— “Oh, but can you really do that? You sitting here doing nothing but listening to what your thoughts say. You are useless. You are wasting so much of your potential. You are not doing this, or this, or that, or anything.”


Oh boy, how powerful can the mind be? It has the capacity to bring out the best parts of ourselves, and it also has the ability to destroy us by just thinking.

I know some of you readers can identify yourselves with the previous dialogue, and maybe you are thinking:

“Yeah, this is exactly what I’m going through, and I’m so tired of being in this condition. How can I get out of it?”.

First of all, we have to make some things clear.

Whatever you are feeling, however you are reacting to those emotions, it’s simply perfect.

“Wait, what? What do you mean by perfect? It’s horrible and I don’t want to feel this way anymore. How could you even say that?”.

To be able to make the first step you’ll have to understand that whatever is making you feel uncomfortable is happening in the way that it was meant to be in the first place.

Inevitably you had to go through this experience, and that moment has now arrived.

Putting yourself against your body and your mind is a useless waste of energy, and if you ultimately do I assure you that even if you feel you’ve won, eventually you will be left devastated because you spent all that time fighting someone that believed in you like no-one else in the world, yourself.

We are constantly being told that we are our own enemy. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. We are not our own enemy. We are the most beautiful partner that we can work with in order to improve ourselves and experience life at its fulness.

“So, if this is happening all in the perfect way, why does it feel like my body wants to destroy me?”

Your body doesn’t want to destroy you, it’s trying to communicate a message that is not being heard. And since is not being listened, it progressively starts to speak louder, and your body is not afraid to reach the point of shouting.

That’s why you feel overwhelmed because your body is doing all of its efforts to make sure you get that very important message it has for you.

So listen to it. Face that gigantic fear of entering into your own body. Into your own core. You’ll see that any answer that you have been looking for, was always inside of you.

I can’t exactly tell you how much time it will take you to reach the ultimate solution. It could take half an hour, two hours, one day, one month, or even more than that. Everyone’s process is different. It will take more time for some people, and less time for others.

The only thing you have to do to get tranquility and inner peace is to trust. Trust that no matter how long it takes, you are going to get where you need to be. The loudness of your mind will progressively slow down until it’s calm enough for the message to be shared properly.

And then, your thoughts will stop tormenting you, and you will realize that by just doing inner work, you got to the answer that you were searching for.

I hope you learned something new today or just helped you to see a different perspective on life.

Thank you for reading this, I appreciate you a lot and I would love to read your thoughts on this in the comments.

Make sure you read my other stories in my profile and share them with others, it might help them too:)

We’ll see each other in the next post! Until then, thanks for reading.


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