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Using Archetypes to Understand Your Personality Type

Getting to know yourself from the inside.

By Kuhsawndra LovzPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Archetype Symbols

Using Archetypes to Understand Your Personality Type

Understanding your personality type can be a powerful way to gain insight into your behavior and communication styles. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using archetypes. Archetypes are universal patterns of behavior that define different personality types. By tapping into these archetypal patterns, you can gain a greater understanding of who you are and how to live more authentically. In this blog post, we will explore how you can use archetypes to better understand your personality type.

What are archetypes?

Archetypes are ancient symbols and motifs that appear in literature, art, and mythology. They represent universal patterns of behavior, personality type, and values, and can be found in various forms throughout cultures around the world. In modern psychology, archetypes are seen as part of the collective unconscious, a shared understanding of symbols and themes that are passed down through generations and shape our views of the world. They are often used as a tool to understand individual personalities, behavior, and emotions.

Archetypes can help us to better understand our own personality type and how we relate to the world around us. For example, the Hero archetype is one of courage and strength who sets out on an epic journey to save others. On the other hand, the Trickster archetype is mischievous and playful, always looking for ways to create chaos and disruption. By understanding which archetypes are part of our individual makeup, we can gain insight into how we interact with the world and how we may be perceived by others.

By Markus Winkler on Unsplash

How can archetypes help me understand myself?

Archetypes are an idealistic tool in understanding ourselves. They represent different aspects of the human experience. In mythology, archetypes are often represented as gods, goddesses, or other powerful figures. In psychology, archetypes are understood as specific personality types that contain qualities shared by all humans.

By studying these patterns in literature, art, mythology, and even our own lives, we can gain insight into our own personalities and motivations. Each archetype has its own set of characteristics that can help us better understand ourselves and our behaviors. For example, some archetypes represent traits such as ambition, independence, strength, passion, creativity, and loyalty. By looking at these qualities in relation to our own behavior and goals, we can gain insight into how our personal characteristics affect our lives.

Additionally, archetypes can help us identify which aspects of our personality are most pronounced or dominant. By looking at our behavior through the lens of the archetypal personality type that best describes us, we can gain a better understanding of why we act the way we do in certain situations. For instance, if you are an ambitious person, you may take more risks than someone who is loyal and passive. Identifying which archetype we associate with most can help us to be more mindful of how we respond and interact with others.

Through recognizing the commonalities between our own personality type and those of others, we can find deeper meaning in our relationships and develop a greater sense of empathy and understanding. It can give us invaluable wisdom into ourselves and others to gain a clearer picture of our own personalities and motivations as well as those of others.

By Caleb George on Unsplash

Can I use archetypes in my everyday life?

YES, absolutely! Individuals of various archetypes have experienced major differences in their lives after encountering their archetype readings. One person said that it "helped me realize what my soul purpose on this earth is". By reading into their life patterns, attitude symbols, and astrology symbols, the individual was able to gain a greater understanding of their destiny and true identity.

Before the reading, they had doubts about who they were and what their purpose was, but the reading reassured them of who they could be and how they can become that person. As a result, the individual now lives a more purposeful life, despite any obstacles or challenges they may face. In their own words, the individual says, "I only plan for this journey to succeed and hope to gain knowledge and blessings."

The archetype reading not only helps people understand their soul purpose, but it also helps them better understand their personality type. This is known as individuology. Depending on one's personality type (such as Everyman, Outlaw, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Jester, or Sage) different archetype symbols and life patterns may appear. As individuals begin to recognize these symbols and patterns in themselves, they can start to live life more authentically and with more purpose.

So, if you're ready to know yourself more than ever, click here now!


About the Creator

Kuhsawndra Lovz

As a woman on life's wonderful journey of getting to know who I am, my hope is that the information shared with you will help you, too!

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