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“The Unseen World”

“Beyond the Illusion”

By Don McDouglePublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Open your eyes

We are born into this world with five senses. These help us to navigate through it and to be able to move and function. The human body is a miraculous mechanism. If one of the senses is lost or minimized, the others are usually enhanced, making up for the loss. Internally we have the intuition, an inner sense of knowing. It can be more or less understood by the individual and one can learn to use it more and more. This is also called an “hunch” and can be in tune with reality. In some cases it is based on experience. Then it can be misleading if the person has had traumatic experiences or was indoctrinated in a set of beliefs.

Every culture has a number of beliefs that are assumed to be true and usually are accepted without question. These beliefs are what that group calls reality. Those that vary from these belief systems are labeled maladjusted and sometimes as being a heretic. All through history there have been some who had a different way of being in the world. They had an inner connection to a reality different from those in their culture. They came into the world with divine instructions to direct the others toward Truth.

The Unseen World is beautiful beyond words that can be spoken and initiates and structures everything. Beyond the human senses there is a world that exists. It is the Source of everything in the physical world and gives it substance. Everything known emanates from it.

Almost every person has sensed things that were not based on the five senses. It may have something about a person or situation that is not obvious by their appearance. Intuition is the way the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind. It is an inner knowing or “feeling” that is real and can be used to make decisions. The information that is collected, stored and put together happens outside the conscious mind. The subconscious communicates to the conscious mind with intuition.

The brain is gathering and processing many facts. Much of it happens outside of awareness. These are formed into patterns that are sent to the processing area of the higher brain and compared to past experiences That “gut feeling” happens when there is a pattern match. When they have been influenced by your beliefs, thoughts and emotions, they may be only partially correct or even completely wrong. With practice, you can develop your intuitive “voice” to be more correct. This is a process of questioning everything you believe to be true. Seeking to understand the relationship between the subconscious and the conscious mind, can help you identify your life purpose that is aligned with your core values and dreams.You become more open to new ideas as you learn to listen to your inner voice.

You can not see your thoughts or the thoughts of others. When you have a thought or someone says something, a picture appears in your mind. It is just a memory from your past. If you sit quietly with another person you can not see their thoughts. You may guess about it when you see their body language, but not their thoughts. If you know this person well, you may have seen their body language before and guess what they are thinking.

There are parts of the brain that work automatically unless there has been damage from an accident or drug use. There is no thoughts needed for this, these are the sensory areas. Another part of the brain stores memories that can be retrieved almost automatically. You don’t have to relearn things over and over. Rather, these memories help to do things you learned before, like riding a bicycle or driving a car. Once you have learned them you can remember them automatically. There is another part of the brain that stores long term memories. Most people have selected memories from a early age. These can be about pleasant experiences or not so pleasant ones. Some people block out some early memories that were too traumatic and painful. These memories are still there but unobtainable without psychological help. They may have disassociated during the experience. This is when they split off part of their mind and let it go somewhere more pleasant so as to not “feel” the fear and pain of the experience. They can get help remembering through a therapeutic program that helps them feel safe with the experience. Until you can remember and go through the healing process, you will stay with this split mind. Most of these form multiple personality disorder.

The persona, sometimes called the ego, is formed in the early stages of life, sometimes even before birth. The embryo is connected to the mother and has no sense of being separate. It is one with the mother. For the months it is in the womb, it is warm and secure and has it’s needs met from the mother. Sometimes if the mother has a traumatic experience during her pregnancy, the embryo senses it. When this happens, the beginning of the separate persona starts. After birth, the child is still totally dependent on the mother. No matter how well the mother cares for the baby, it can still sense neglect. This starts the sense of separation. In cases of abuse, the sense of separation comes quicker. The persona,ego, is forming and will continue throughout life. This creates fear and it can build walls to protect itself. The greater the fear, the greater the walls.

It takes a lot of inner work to overcome this fear and to heal the wounds of the ego. Some may never open up and trust anyone enough to heal. I have worked with many that have stayed stuck in their own prison. Those who have responded to the work I do, begin to heal and can live long and peaceful lives.

Step by step, with each new awakening, they can live from their eternal nature. Not all, but a few fully Awaken to the divine within. There is much misunderstanding about the Awakened paradigm. Some think it is going to be eternal joy and no longer having any problems. These usually don’t respond to the work I do. When it is necessary to relive their traumatic experiences, they leave and go searching for someone who promises ecstasy with no pain, or have them sit for hours each day in meditation saying mantras. They may find this distraction helps them feel better for a while, yet it doesn’t last, so they search out a different teacher or master.

The Awakened paradigm is knowing that this physical life is temporal and the eternal within is permanent. The world outside is likened to being a dream that is always changing. Many live in this dream world and never question anything. They live their whole lives, just following the script they were taught. In this dream world, you may want to change the circumstances. When you can, it can be better for a while. Eventually though, more unpleasant things will occur. You can live your whole life and never enjoy it. Making it a better dream will never satisfy the divine within.

The Awakening process is a letting go of all the attachments to the physical world. This can be a long process for those who have a lot of things, money or big families. What they don't understand, it is not these things they need to let go of, but their attachments to them. When you realize this world is temporal, it is easier. When you have let it all go, you can experience the Unseen World.


About the Creator

Don McDougle


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