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The Subtle Causes of Disease: What We Think, Fear, Anger, Neglect

Our perception can make us sick

By Atif AdamsPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The Subtle Causes of Disease: What We Think, Fear, Anger, Neglect
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

How much do you think our health is influenced by the positive or negative attitude we have in our daily lives? Or have you ever wondered how much we are affected by the way we think, by what we say to others, and implicitly to ourselves? Do diseases have subtle causes of which we are unaware?

In this article, we will discover what are some of the real causes of diseases, how we can make them aware, and how we can help them to heal.

Full health has always been a matter of concern for human beings. We all want to be healthy, happy, and enjoy life to the fullest. And to enjoy life and especially to be able to live and function, we need to be healthy.

Who does our health depend on?

The answer is simple. Our health depends on ourselves, our way of being, our attitudes, our way of life, the environment in which we are integrated and the list goes on. But we are the main ones responsible for our health.

Everything we do and think is reflected in our health

Therefore, when we get sick, before we heal, it is important to ask ourselves if we are ready to give up what has made us sick, the old habits and mental patterns that brought us to this point.

Health is the functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism at any time, both at the cellular and global level.

In the medical field, health is usually defined as the ability of an organism to respond effectively to challenges (for example, stress), as well as to effectively restore and sustain a "state of balance" and harmony.

If we refer commonly to the dictionary definition, any disease is a deterioration of health.

To be healthy means to be in harmony with ourselves and everything around us

To maintain a healthy physical condition, it is important to recognize that the body is extremely important, it is a complex map that helps us discover the imbalances that occur when we get sick.

The causes of internal imbalances in the various organs are correlated with certain subtle negative aspects, which are directly related to the way we think, the attitude we have in everyday life, our way of being.

Each of these negative aspects maintained for a long time leads to deteriorating health, to very serious, even deadly diseases.

Let's see what are some of the subtle causes that lead to the deterioration of our health.

Inner attitude

First of all, the attitude we have towards ourselves, the attention we pay to our body, our emotions, and our thoughts.

Having a careless attitude about how we care for ourselves will surely sooner or later affect our health. And here I would mention a Zen proverb that says, "Give the body what it needs. When you're hungry, eat! When you fall asleep, sleep! " - neglecting these primary needs, we will certainly not have a flourishing state of health.

The principles by which we guide our existence and build our character are very important

The code of ethics and morality that we apply in our daily lives and which refers to a positive attitude, full of kindness towards ourselves and those around us, helps us to maintain and develop our well-being. interior. We can also add honesty, to be true, to be human - virtues that influence both our life and our inner well-being.

Negligence, indifference, indulgence

Negligence, carelessness, indulgence, or repeated violation of these principles will affect our mental and emotional health, creating all sorts of imbalances. If a house is weakened or one of the pillars of resistance falls, the house is in danger of collapsing.

This applies equally to how we respect these ethical and moral principles. And we can find these principles in the Ten Commandments, for example, not to hurt others willingly, to respect others, to be honest, to keep our truthfulness, to pursue a state of inner contentment, and the list goes on. Applying them will bring harmony, balance, and well-being to our beings.

Control of your mind and the way you think

Our mind is the one that always gives us the biggest headaches and brings the biggest imbalances when we don't control it.

The mental structure is responsible for controlling the normal functioning of our whole being. The body follows the impulse coming from the brain. Therefore, a negative mindset will cause disturbances in various organs. Depending on the intensity and length of time they are maintained, these imbalances lead to serious illness.

In many cases, certain illnesses can be directly related to mental conditions.

Therefore, one of the major causes of our illness and rapid slipping into senility is a lack of control over negative tendencies such as anger, envy, resentment, jealousy, hatred, pessimism, fear of aging, and fears of all kinds.

For example, anger causes the release of toxins that act on all organs, especially causing fatal effects on the liver and nervous system.

Greed and rapacity predispose us to certain heart diseases.

Instability predisposes the human being to the following: migraines, high blood pressure, paralysis, diabetes, heart fatigue.

Pessimism causes the human being to contract and stress instead of flourishing. In addition, it cools down human contacts, makes social relationships difficult, generates impotence or frigidity, complicates the most mundane situations, and is never an asset to success in general.

Hate considerably intoxicates the body. The effects affect digestion, in addition, it promotes blood pressure and causes metabolic disorders.

Fear remains the number one enemy

We find this aspect in the ancient popular proverb, very plastic: "We are not afraid of what we are afraid of." And in this direction, the physician Paracelsus, a great Renaissance figure, in his research on medicine, observed that "the fear of disease is more dangerous than the disease itself."

Fear affects the genital and sexual activity in particular. In addition, it lowers blood pressure.

Also, fear along with a disease that we imagine we have - distorted images maintained long enough, being firmly convinced that we have that disease, because of our mentality directed in this direction, will have serious repercussions on the state of inner balance and ultimately will have devastating physical, emotional and mental effects.

And these imaginary diseases are created due to a total disagreement with the natural, natural laws of anatomy and physiology. That is why they are the most difficult to heal because they are so well anchored and welded in their minds - where they generate deeply disruptive negative resonances, that a radical overhaul of the way of thinking is needed to be treated effectively.

For example, trivial indigestion or occasional diaphragm compression aerophagia causes heart pain and palpitations, so the patient becomes convinced that he has heart disease. This persistent image kept in mind becomes a matrix, and the exacerbated fear of illness ends up generating the disease.

From this example, we can see how we create our mental patterns. If the conscious mind maintains long enough, with a certain strength and firmness, an image or a certain state of illness or health, success or failure, poverty or wealth, this image or state is finally realized, in close correlation with our aspirations, beliefs or fears, our (thought) fears.

In the experiences of the French physician Charcot, professor of neurology and pathological anatomy, psychologist, and his studies of the power of suggestion and self-suggestion, we find the direct actions of the mind on the physical body, on our states and emotions.

Also, real illnesses have their origin in the mental level, to which are often added secondary physical causes.

As we have seen above, many diseases, including heart disease, can be attributed to fear.

How does the mind act on the body?

The mind reacts disruptively to the body, giving rise to an irregular blood distribution.

Fear together with the malfunction of the heart that it causes, for example, triggers a vibration with an abnormal frequency, comes out of the state of harmony and after a certain period, the functional disorder reverberates even in organic disease.

Many feverish conditions are also due to fear. Therefore, the first thing we need to do for a person with a fever is to remove the fear element as quickly and completely as possible and we will notice that his temperature will start to drop quite quickly.

Anger and health problems

Congestive phenomena that occur in certain situations in different organs can have their cause in violent outbursts of anger.

Professor Elmer Gates of Washington (USA) applied scientific experiments to examine the processes by which the mind discovers new knowledge. He found that.

The latter may indeed be due to the disruptive association of several different mental states, or in other cases, the disease does not appear in the physical plane until after the disappearance of the mental cause, the trace of which is quite difficult to find then.

In conclusion, to heal naturally and as soon as possible from a real disease means to restore as fully as possible the normal functioning of organs, nerve plexuses, tissues, and for this it is necessary to review our attitudes, to control our thoughts, states, to return to the state of harmony, balance, inner well-being and to persist in this state.

The power of the mind is the only force we have at hand that can be used by us to keep our bodies in a harmonious state of health.

Beneficial thoughts, faith in one's inner strengths, a positive attitude, a controlled mind facilitate the healing process and at the same time help us to discover the subtle causes and imbalances that have arisen in our beings at some point.


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