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The PTSD Fallacy

A Book Review

By TangerinehippiestudiosPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Fallacy by H. Nattanya Andersen Is essentially an autobiography about the author. Nattanya Andersen experienced a traumatizing event that left her with severe PTSD. She received therapy for it but was not treated in a way that was suitable for her and her needs. So, she ended up writing this book in order to inform the world of her experience and some great ways to help herself. In fact, some would come to the conclusion that writing this book may have been another form of therapy for the author.

I like this book because the author was very open about her situation and what helped her to cope. She was able to discover what was doing the most damage in her recovery and sought to fix what she needed to fix. I also have PTSD so this book really spoke to me and I found it to be very informative and relatable. There were sections in this book that spoke to me specifically and, in a way, helped me.

I did have a hard time with some parts of the book where she talks about the therapy that did not help her to recover. It made me sad to realize that not all doctors can help and, in some cases, can actually make things worse for their patients in the long run. I hope some of those patients who slipped through the cracks received the help that they needed in order to cope and heal. I also hope that those doctors learned what not to do with their next patients if they are still working in their practices.

I rate this book a 3 out of 4 stars. I only saw a few spelling errors that very well could have also been typos that the editor missed. I enjoyed this book and found it to be rather helpful as well as informative. The writing was wonderful and well-thought out but some parts were a little dull to the average reader. That may, however, just be because I might not have fully comprehended all the facts properly.

I recommend this book to those who suffer PTSD or any other mental, emotional, or physical disorder. I feel that even the average reader could learn something from this book.  However, it was more so targeted towards those who are currently seeking help in therapy for medical problems. If you are seeking professional mental health please choose your therapists carefully.

Here is a poem that I wrote based on what Post Traumatic Stress Disorder means and feels like to me:

Why can't you more like your siblings

Why can't you just...make friends

Why can't you just...leave the house

Why can't you just...grow up

Why can't you just...learn to drive

Why can't you just...sit in the front seat

Why can't you just...ride amusement park rides

Why can't you just...have fun

Why can't you just...stop worrying

Why can't you this or do that

Why can't you just...go here or go there

Why can't you just...look at me

Why can't you something

Why can't you to me

Why can't you just...hurry are too slow

Why can't YOU just... Slow down and listen to me

I will get there in my own time

I just need you to believe in me

I need constant support

Don't just give up on me 

In conclusion, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is not a fun condition to have. It destroys many people’s lives and makes it very difficult to live a normal life. Thank you so much for reading my article and book review. It means so much to me.


About the Creator


☮️Inspired by the inspiration around me☮️Get inspired to change the world☮️Or take a look at mine☮️My aura is orange and bleeds throughout my words☮️

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