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The Meaning of Color

L.A. Moore

By L.A. Moore - NashPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

There is meaning in color, like red, for instance. Red could be coded or described as love, romance, anger, aggression, or even fever in some cases.

Or if you have red hair. Red hair in some countries means that the person will turn into a vampire after they die. Or that they are a witch (in my case, it is very much true).

Color is a word that has two different ways of spelling. One is American English: color. And the other is British English: colour. Neither is wrong. It just depends on where you are at.

The blind cannot see color. So, we have to describe it to them in a way they can understand. I would not know how to do this except maybe with tastes and sounds.

Some people taste colors, which is called synesthesia. It produces a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulating another sense or part of the body.

Colors have plenty of meanings. To me, it is a way of expressing oneself. Or a way of expressing your feelings, interests, or even to tell people small messages like 'I want a hug.'

Below are some magical associations of colors.

Red: Energy, strength, passion, courage, fire element, career goals, fast action, lust, the blood of the Moon, vibrancy, driving force, love, survival.

Orange: Business goals, property deals, ambition, career goals, general success, justice, legal matters, selling action.

Copper: Passion, money goals, professional growth, fertility in business, career maneuvers.

Gold: Wealth, the God, promote winning, safety and power of the male, happiness, playful humor.

Yellow: The sun, intelligence, accelerated learning, memory, logical imagination, breaking mental blocks, selling yourself.

Pink: Romantic love, planetary goodwill, healing of emotions, peace, affection, romance, a partnership of emotional maturity, nurturing.

Green: Earth Mother, physical healing, monetary success, abundance, fertility, tree and plant magic, growth, earth element, personal goals.

Blue: Good fortune, opening blocked communication, wisdom, protection, spiritual inspiration, calm, reassurance, gently moving, water element, creativity.

Purple: Influencing people in high places, third eye, psychic ability, spiritual power, self-assurance, hidden knowledge.

Silver: Telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychometry, intuition, dreams, astral energies, female power, communication, the Goddess.

Brown: Influence friendships, special favors, pet protection.

Black: Protection, repelling negativity, binding, shape-shifting.

White: Spirituality, the Goddess, peace, higher self, virginity (as in the woman's mind is owned by no man), a substitute for any other color.

Color is a beautiful thing to experience. Scientists and engineers are making new technologies to help the dichromatic see the full spectrum of colors. As humans, we can see about 100 different color shades. And that is a ballpark of one million we can distinguish.

Colors in psychology can mean different things as well. Sir Isaac Newton studied this in the late 1660s. He discovered how the color spectrum is organized and composed. Color psychology dates back thousands of years to the Egyptians who studied its effects to use holistically. Color psychology is the study of the influence color has on human behavior.

Red, for example, is a color of choice for when someone wants to be noticed by others. Blue has a calming effect on the psyche. Yellow is a color of joy.

In synesthesia, some people associate a color to the smell of things, like green, which some equate to the smell of rotting or things that are rotting. Or brown can be the same smell as an apple. The color of severe sickness can be purple to some. Purple in psychology means wealth and extravagance or even wisdom.

I think we can agree that colors are fascinating to learn about and that there are many meanings relative to the topic at hand.


About the Creator

L.A. Moore - Nash

Mom of two great small people.

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