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The Drift of the Limited & Ordinary

Please, break the cycle

By Elliott BlackPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Yaroslava Bondareva on Pexels

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Don’t you think that the reason you’re not really capable of writing something that will shock or surprise people, is because your life is mediocre? Where do you think the magic comes from? If you’re not living it, if you don’t grind on the edge, what story are you planning to tell? Is it all copies of copies from the head? What about the heart?

Questions, questions… Either they spark curiosity or make you sigh with frustration. What’s true is that they’re important questions.

You need drive, excitement, fear, passion, anger, laughter, joy, envy, jealousy, sacrifice, betrayal, lust, love, all of that to make your story interesting and relatable. Relatable to the dormant potential sleeping in everyone on the planet.

What if you actually lived that? You wouldn’t need to create fiction, you would live the fiction that others love to read.

And would you dare to live such a life? Would you even know what type of life that would be? And would you dare to step into this type of life, knowing that the way of the meandering path will always stay obscured?

Experience the black and white

Liam! I’m talking to you, Liam!

Challenge the conventional ways, son.

Childhood dreams and grand ambitions, to most those are fantastic but not serious things.

The seemingly meaningless opposition of your colleagues at work is not meaningless to your heart.

What they look at with empty eyes, you cry for.

Surprise yourself with random decisions.

Splatter color onto that gray.

Dare to guess, dare to realize, that the scoffing, mistrust and disbelief that other people may express when they see you blossom, might be just your fear in twisted form, your fear of life, of flying into the blue sky.

They don’t exist, Liam. Those cynical zombies do not exist.

The popular Men at Work put it so well for us in the song Catch a Star:

Experience babe, kickin’ stones and cans

Experience babe, cigarette-stained hands

It’s not too late, hear it in the wind

It’s not too late, feel passion creepin’ in

Intoxication, familiar smells of the hotels

Infatuation, of knowing who you are

Go, go, go! Run for the wind, Liam! Chase it across the fields. Or the streets of Downtown. Feel the anticipation inside, the excitement. The feeling that’s on the line with anxiety, where it doesn’t devour you, it just gives you that spice. A feeling of the unknown. Use it as fuel as it tingles the insides of your earthly shell.

You have your own story to tell. I believe that words, if written down in story form, for example, honestly and attentively, can lead you to your next step in life. It’s basically a state when you don’t need to think what to write about. The stories just reveal themselves to you.

Is that true? How do we achieve that? Try and find out, Liam.

Good luck, Atlas

Oh, how fun it is to talk about a fantasy world that we are all striving for. And how easy (and maybe even ego-fulfilling) it is to encourage people to strive for that world in the clouds.

Just wave your hand at them as they walk into the sunrise, wipe off that bitter tear, proudly holding one hand on your waist, and warp a smile for a job well done on your part. You have certainly done enough. Enough to mark that sharp and self-confident V in the checkbox next to the line Help my fellow brother/sister achieve their life goals.

I can’t seem to write my way out of this example with sarcasm… Oh well, I’ll just put it bluntly.


To encourage Liam from my part is a good thing to do, but I should know very well that his journey doesn’t end here, and even though the beginning may be difficult, harder times are up ahead. I may have helped him to start swinging the pendulum, but that’s not enough. The trap of that fake people helper status is a real thing, when you don’t actually help with all your heart, genuinely, but help as much as you feel like is comfortable for you.

Shouldn’t you, then, partially accept the struggle of the person you’re helping? Didn’t you just actually pick up the weight off of Liam’s shoulders by listening to him and giving him advice? Or was that just talk-talk, big words to smear your fat ego?

Not to be a sponge or a wannabe savior of mankind is also important, we have to dedicate ourselves to doing our best to help the people close to us. At the same time remembering to use our words wisely, not in a shallow way, not just for the sake of saying something. Remember the motive, is it genuine?

The disingenuous approach to life is what kills brave authenticity, and creates the Limited & Ordinary.

The world has enough false prophets.

The Electric Pipeline // Elliott Black Photography

Hello fellow beautiful mole throbbed down the pipeline! My name is Elliott, and I’m just reporting the latest news from up above the underground. Here in the catacombs, we issue a good dose of intellectual masturbation.

The Electric Pipeline is providing a perspective on the psychological human state and its dynamics, where the world’s heading, and what can the (wo)man in the mirror do about it. Thanks for reading and see you around!


About the Creator

Elliott Black

I provide a perspective on the psychological human state and its dynamics, where the world's heading and what can the (wo)man in the mirror do about it. Provoking thoughts, let's goooooo

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    Elliott BlackWritten by Elliott Black

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