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Someone and everyone controlled Denise

A true life horror story

By Denise HarrisPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

All I left with was a bag of clothes. I couldn't live like this anymore. I went and picked the baby up from the drug addicts mothers house and my daughter from daycare. I slipped away and stayed at a friends house for a couple of days just too clear my head. At this point I had no clue what to do. My family had been terrible to me so I didn't want to go back there. I could not be with the drug addict anymore and I knew no matter what I did everyone from both sides were coming after my kids.

While I was at my friends house, I kept in close contact with the drug addicts mother. I sent her pictures to let her know we were safe and I would be back in a couple days. The city was having their annual fourth of July firework show and boat parade. My best friend met me and the kids there. I had let the drug addicts mother know where I would be. While we were there I got a call from the drug addict saying he was parked by my car and I needed to bring my son out there too him. I walked out to the car by myself and I was told to have everything out of the car and they were taking it. His mom had given us the car because he got mine repossessed. Of coarse it was never signed over to me so..... I had to get mine and the kids belongings out of the car in the middle of the parking lot and call my sister in law, that really wasn't talking to me at the time, to come get us. But before she got there, I had to give the drug addict my son or he was reporting the car stolen and the baby kidnapped. I was scared and so I did what they wanted.

I was very close to the drug addicts mother. My own mother had nothing to do with me while I was married into this family. The only thing my mother did for me during this 5 years was torment me and drag me to court every time I turned around. So the drug addicts mother just kind of played that mother roll for me. I truly, deep down loved this woman with my whole heart and soul. She used to tell everyone that she knew without a shadow of a doubt that when she died I would be the one wiping her butt. She knew I would have taken care of her. She always took my side when the drug addict was out of control. I always thought she would stand beside me because she saw everything that happened. And she knew the pain and torment I was facing everyday because she felt it too. This is her son so yes he hurt her too.

I waited a couple of days before I went to get my son. I knew it was going to be a fight so I had the sheriffs department to meet me there. My sister-in-law drove me since I no longer had a vehicle. When we pulled up to the house (in the bougie gated community) the officers told us to park at the end of the street and they would bring my son to me. I explained to them that she had no legal right to my son whatsoever. The drug addicts mother came to the door screaming, falling on the ground begging them not to take the baby from her. She was yelling, telling them that the baby is scared of me and I was abusing him. The officers took her inside her house and the next thing I know, an officer came to me and said they got a call from the mayor of the town. The mayor told them to not remove the child from the home because she knows the drug addicts mother and knows the child will be safe there. She did not know me and we could settle it in court. It didn't hurt that the mayor and the drug addicts mother are really good friends. The officer told me that their hands were tied and I would have to get an attorney. I was devastated. And it only got worse from there.

In the end none of the sincere, I will wipe your butt for you's even matter. NONE OF THAT MATTERS. When they say blood is thicker than water, honey you better believe it. (except in my family) When I chose to no longer be in that family, they destroyed me the best way they knew how. When I chose to not be in my family anymore they destroyed me the best way they knew how. No matter what I did, someone and everyone controlled Denise.

I have more stories coming! If you are enjoying my little stories, please be so kind as to leave me a little tip or even a big one lol. I want to eventually publish a book. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your life to read about mine.


About the Creator

Denise Harris

I have always wanted to be able to tell my life story. I have survived abuse from a drug addict and the trauma of having a child taken by people with political power and money. Thanks for taking time to read my story. - Denise Harris

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