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Ode To Art

A Eulogy

By BigPhazePublished about a year ago 6 min read

This is a long rant about art. I hope you enjoy it.

Ode To Art

It is all immaculate expressions I can't put into words. Or that I make attempts to fathom, but ultimately lost to myself in what I'm searching for. It is a window into the transcendent. That which is beyond human comprehension. It is the beauty that meets beyond the eyes.

Possibly another word borrowed from the encyclopaedia of words so sophisticated that they have subjective meanings for almost every applicable scenario... Such words that fail to fall into a category of definitively accepted words and their meanings.

They fail, woefully. It is that: they usually either have that be the case, or they fall to subjectivity. Words such as Love and Art. The absence of a definition of consensus leads to a general understanding of what Art underscores, aesthetics. We call it beauty.

An expression of oneself, art is all ways you might express yourself. It calls to you. Art is of the beautiful face you can't stop staring at, it is a painting that perfectly resonates with you, but you have no clue as to why you can't look away. It is a song you can't stop listening to, it is a movie you can't get tired of watching, and it is poetry.

Art is creativity. It is the mind that wanders out of the discovered territories of order, which are the known knowns and out into the chaos of the unknown unknowns... Upon return, the adventure, for lack of a better word, is expressed in paintings, drawings, opera, drama, writings, poetry, and in its best form – music.

A form of entertainment that resonates well with you, art invokes emotion. It is all the meaning you give to it. With subjectivity employed as the lens through which art is to be appreciated, it is difficult to fully understand the emotion that any piece of art truly invokes within a person.

The song that strikes a memory, the painting that tells a story, the face you can’t fall out of love with, the nature of things you can’t comprehend, the movie that makes you cry, the location that makes you feel alive… art is all the meanings you give to it.

To be an artist is to stand outside the norm. Creativity often is to make something new or different. New and better is all that has driven human civilization: years after years, decades after decades. In most cases, the importance of any new idea or an existing one is recognized after the death of the creator.

This is why most artists are only famous after they die. This is the curse artists bear, and unfortunately, a curse humans in generality suffer. We don't know the values of that which we own until it is gone. Like a piece of relic, art only appreciates in value over time. Like a good wine, time is art’s best friend.

More on the side of the curse for artists to bear. You wither! What is a flower if it doesn't bloom? Artists must express themselves, or their creativity is lost, and they go on to be yet another factory worker. Another number to the already long list of career choices that are a result of your parent's selfish reasons to only demand that you look upon the highest paying job and dedicate your entire life to it... Yet another victim of parental or cultural construct.

A pragmatic case of "Love your family, choose your friends". You are a result of nothing you were a part of. You should be something that you consciously desire. This is where the fulfilment of oneself lies. Lies are where the truth lies sometimes. Rummage through your consciousness and find what makes you you. Speak your thoughts! Your tongue shouldn't be held back by constructs of any kind. Or you die every time you pretend to be someone you are not. This is what makes an artist. Arts help you find your way.

I write, and I write, and I write, ever so curious to see where this end. To flow with the narration, and allow the spirit of art to direct the affairs of this unadulterated rant.

All poets are writers, but not all writers are poets. Art manifests differently within people.

Deidara from Naturo believed entirely that "Art is an explosion". He was true to this nature in the entire anime. Aristotle is an artist, Plato is an artist, Shakespeare is an artist, Nietzsche is an artist, Einstein is an artist, Lil Wayne is an artist, Picasso, Catherine the Great, Leonardo da/de Vinci/Caprio, Harriet Tubman... The many men and women who have formed and transformed cultures.

The entire human civilization has come to be formed by artists! The ones to compile the religious books, perhaps God is the greatest artist. After all, he created humans and we can't but fall in love with one another. The most beautiful creatures to ever walk the earth. The women so beautiful, the men so handsome.

The sad reality is that perfection doesn't exist... Therefore not all artists and arts are without their faults. An artist rejected in art school grows a moustache and then starts World War 2. Some are a result of unprotected sex. Some, probably making you read this.

Some, all the same, strive to make their art a perfection, in the end, most achieve said perfection and their art lives long after them. Such art is the song Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.

The best artists in most cases in the past are put to death for daring to speak against any pre-established construction of anything that makes mass and matter.

The reward in the past for thinking outside the established domain of norms and all things accepted – either in the context of religion, societal norms, or anything that is generally considered unacceptable by the populace – is usually your head at the end of a sword or other gruesome ways of treatment. There is a curse for artists to bear, they are either allowed the freedom to express themselves or they are subjugated and wither as a result. Human advancement could have taken a much better form if every time anyone had anything new that goes against pre-existing norms, it isn't considered a religious or security concern.

Art is a complex understanding that stems from the subconscious. The understanding of which draws the line between free will and determinism. Art is what makes me.

Or perhaps, I am a con. Not an actual artist and neither what art is. A nerd for vocabulary and a slave to the consciousness of emotion and rationality. A whore of aesthetics...

I have it all to give to art. So, here lies the end of the rant.


About the Creator


I am a Social Scientist, specifically a student of Political Science. I attend Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. Writing is a tool of exploration for me. I hope you'll stick around for my journey into uncharted territories.

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