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No More Suffering: 5 Ways to Cure Anxiety and Panic Attacks

End Anxiety and Panic Attacks Today

By ShannonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
No More Suffering: 5 Ways to Cure Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

With so much going on in the world and so many things that worry you, it’s no wonder so many people suffer from anxiety or panic attacks. You wake up every morning feeling like something bad is going to happen, you can’t focus on anything else and every day seems to get worse and worse. Unfortunately, this isn’t something you can just snap out of or that will just go away on its own, but there are some great ways to cure anxiety and panic attacks that aren’t difficult or painful.

1) Breathe

Breathe is the most important thing you can do for yourself when having an anxiety or panic attack. Begin by taking a few deep breaths in through your nose, then out through your mouth. Try to focus on the feeling of your breath as it goes in and out. Doing this will help you calm down faster than if you were doing nothing at all!

If you find that deep breathing isn't enough, try other calming activities like listening to music, reading a book, or taking a warm bath. It's important to remember that whatever makes you feel better is what should be done! Find what works best for you so that next time a panic attack strikes, you'll be prepared.

2) Regulate your diet

Food is a major player in the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. Sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine all have an impact on brain chemistry. Eating a diet that is high in protein will help stabilize your blood sugar levels. Foods that are rich in omega-3s like fish are helpful for reducing the risk of depression and anxiety. You should also drink plenty of water to stay hydrated because dehydration can lead to feelings of anxiety or panic attacks. And remember, when it comes to sleep deprivation, this isn't just about feeling tired. Lack of sleep has been linked with serious health problems such as obesity and diabetes, as well as increased risks of heart disease, stroke and cancer. So try to keep your sleeping routine consistent by going to bed at the same time each night (with an exception for occasional insomnia). If you're looking for natural treatments for anxiety or panic attacks then these tips might be worth a try!

3) Drink water

Drink water! It's sounds simple, but dehydration can cause anxiety and panic attacks. First off, you need to be drinking enough H2O. The Mayo Clinic recommends that men drink about 13 cups of fluid a day (or 9 cups for women) . But don't just drink any old thing. You need to make sure that you're staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and replenishing electrolytes with sports drinks, coconut water or even Gatorade if necessary. Eat a diet rich in omega-3s: Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation. A lack of this nutrient is also linked to depression, which has been shown to increase the risk of developing an anxiety disorder. Start meditating: Studies show meditation can have significant benefits on mental health including reducing symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression. In fact, practicing mindfulness meditation just 10 minutes a day could lead to reduced levels of cortisol—the hormone that spikes when people feel stressed out—according to one study published in Psych neuroendocrinology last year

4) Learn positive self-talk

Positive self-talk doesn't have to be complicated. It's just about focusing on what you want instead of what you don't want. The next time you're feeling anxious, try telling yourself the following: This feeling will pass. I am strong. I am loved. I can do hard things. And soon this feeling will go away. Do some deep breathing exercises: Take a deep breath in for five seconds and then exhale for five seconds. Repeat as necessary. When you feel like your anxiety is getting out of control, stop whatever it is that has triggered it (such as being in public or talking to someone). And take a few minutes before deciding if you should continue or not.

5) Meditate

Meditation is a great way to reduce anxiety. When you meditate, you are training your mind. You are teaching it that there is nothing to worry about, so that when stressful thoughts come in, they are just thoughts- they don't have the power they once had. Meditation allows you to put some distance between yourself and your thoughts. You can observe them from a place of detachment instead of feeling like they're happening to you.

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