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Meet The Spiritual Narcissist, a Unique Twist to The Covert

They accuse you of having a ego or being aggressive because you react to their abuse

By Chris FreylerPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Are you struggling? You read an article from a person that resonates with your struggles. You go a bit further and research this person. You see, they have all the glitz and glamour of a successful "Coach." Oh, that word, "Coach," is so damn annoying. Then put "life" in front of it, and there is your basis for one of the most common manipulators in the self-help community—the Spiritual Narcissist.

These creatures speak of love, light, abundance, enlightenment, the 222 and 333's, the Soul Mates the Twin Flames. These people are the most prominent type of Covert narcissists you will ever meet. I'm not saying there aren't good Life Coaches or spiritual leaders in the world, but you must be careful. They love to call you judgmental when you call out their abuse. This form of gaslighting is most damaging. I will leave the victim lost and confused.

They get their rocks off control, feeling better than the "supposedly" helping person. They love their title! Oh, do they love the title. And they are more delusional than you can ever imagine. They feed off the weak and devour the weakest. They will have you eating out of their palm if you let them.

They are the leaders of church organizations, the yoga instructors, and focusing on any vulnerable group looking for help.

They love to flaunt their superiority. They will play in on your subconscious. They will emphasize all the "good" things they are doing. They want you to believe they are a good person. Half the shit they are flaunting doesn't exist! They can have spiritual knowledge, gifts, and talents, but they use them against you. You have to be careful.

They love bomb just as the Covert does. They will also justify their abuse spiritually. Saying you need to forgive their lies and cheating. They have a clever way of twisting the narrative and making it about you and not them. They will tell you genuine spiritual people forgive. They prey on the weak that are seeking spirituality.

They will tell you your ego is too big, and every time you set a boundary or have a concern, they will use it against you. It's so manipulative. And if you call them out on their abuse, they will call you judgemental. They will say you have to be vulnerable for you to heal. They want you to open up more so they can gain more weapons to use against you. Dating one of these assholes is so damaging. I can't put it into words. They take no responsibility for their actions and will project them on you.

They will speak a negative truth, but they will pervert it to justify their abuse. Think about it. They will say if you don't forgive, you aren't spiritual. They are trying to get you to forget the abuse! They want you to relax on your boundaries.

Who better person to manipulate than a person coming from an abusive situation that is lost and looking for answers? This type prey on it. Then the vulnerable fall victim to their distorted reality. It's so sick.

If you saw this "life coach" life, your skin would crawl. I'm here to tell you that anyone that preaches a life of purity and perfection is fake as fuck. If you really think about it, I bet you know several. Once you are aware, they aren't too difficult to pick out!

I've experienced it first hand. There is no amount of deception they will spare to use someone. They don't care. They hide behind meditation, yoga, and their "acceptance, awareness, and forgives" mentality so they can keep justifying their abuse.

They get off on their title. They don't care about helping anyone. It's all ego, title, and "look at me" it's god damn disgusting. It is.

They can come disguised as cult leaders, politicians, yoga instructors, or spiritual leaders. The world is a mess, and many are blind to what is going on.

How do you avoid them? Actually, you can't. The only thing you can do is educate yourself. Practice self-awareness, I know it's hard, but that's the only way. These assholes are so creative and manipulative. You won't want to believe evil exists like this, but it does.

Just remember. Love, light, abundance, soul mates, and twin flames are not your friends. Be very wary of anyone who comes on strong when you initially meet them and those terms at you. Better yet, RUN!

My suggestion, before you fall for the Spiritual Narcissist, do a little research and ask questions. If you feel uneasy about the answers or find their social media to be as fake as them, run. I'm serious; run as far away from them as you can because the amount of damage they can cause is unmeasurable.

And the sick shit is. You won't realize the damage until it's too late.

personality disorder

About the Creator

Chris Freyler

Mistake Maker Extraordinaire. Writing from a place I don’t understand at times. I write to help myself, in return hope it helps you. Just another Quora guy.

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