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Living Life In Circles

Breaking Free from the Cycle

By OJO OREOFEPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Living Life In Circles
Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash

Do you ever find yourself feeling like you are living life in circles. Like things are not moving forward, maybe in terms of your relationships, career, personal growth or finances. You feel like you keep going back to the same place, like you're living life in circles or like you're stuck, like things are not moving forward for you, Do you ever feel that? Well, you're not alone. A lot of people go through that, a lot of people feel that and this is what I will talk about now.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you feel like you're not moving forward, like if the same the same mistakes you were making in the year 2010 are the same mistakes you're making the same things you are doing in 2015 you still find yourself going through the same cycles over and over again. The same money habits you had in 2016 are the same money habits you have now. The same relationship drama you had four years ago are still the same things you're going through.

The first reason why you would find yourself going back or feel like you keep making the same mistakes over and over again or you feel like you're going in circles is because

You don't learn from the past. You don't learn from the mistakes and the bad choices you have had, to become a student of life. Let those mistakes teach you. They say experience is the best teacher and the reason why you you keep yourself going through the same ditch over and over again is because you didn't learn the first time, you didn't learn the second time so you keep finding yourself in the same hole. Ask yourself when you make a mistake or a bad choice. Always ask yourself, what is this teaching me, what do i need to learn from this, how can I become a student from this.

Another thing is, stop looking bad when you make bad choices or when you make a mistake. To stop just jumping to the victim corner, Take responsibility, ask yourself, what can I do better, moving forward how can I make this right or how can I make a better choice in the future. One thing to always note is that, life doesn't just happen to you. It happened to teach you something , it happened to make you stronger. it happened so you don't have to go through it over and over again, Always learn the first time.

Another step to take is to take a break . Stop everything and then analyze things. Sometimes we are running so fast , sometimes we are running to the West , we don't have time to ask ourselves if this is the way I should be running. Leave even that business of yours, take two or three days and strategize again. Yeah take time for yourself outside whatever it is or take time to work on whatever is messed up.

The last thing is to be accountable to yourself. I mean you don't have to wait till things are have gone so wrong in your life for you to start panicking . You can always check how far you've come and that's why I say even if you're going to set five year goals or three year goals, have milestones. I want to have bought a car probably in two years yes. so in the first quarter I want to have at least saved a quarter of the money I need to buy that car or in the first quarter, I want to have done a bit of research on how I can acquire that car and then the next quarter I gather my finances or start another side hustle towards getting me the dream car I want and then the other year is the year to go around in motor shops shopping for a car. Create those milestones don't just have goals alone.

I wish you all the best.



About the Creator


Hi there, My name is Ojo Oreofe. I am a professional writer with over two years of experience creating content for a variety of audiences. I have worked as a freelance writer for multiple publications. In my free time, I enjoy reading.

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