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Letter 5: The Doomed Feeling of Patience.

By Jahvon "Jex" JohnPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Photo by: Jahvon John

Welcome, you.

What was my tactic in my last letter? I’ll tell you what this one is; planning for the unplanned, figuring out the breaks in a pattern, and weak and strong points as well (I’ll explain this in paragraph three). It could potentially hold a big piece of information. But, as a being riding along a patterned based experience, prepare for the brakes. Was it Jackie Chan who said, “Expect the unexpected”? Probably not. But in my head, it was. I could sit here and throw unsound inductive arguments around for a while. Since you are me and I am you (the voice you hear when you read), fruits are on tress, trees are on earth, people are on earth. Then we’re probably peaches.

Think of that. Yeah, doesn’t make sense to me either. What did I lack? That’s right! A single strategy (I like this word a little better, the next synonym might be a little edgy- might be bland), for all?

I think it was you.

What was your reason for continuing? There’s something here you’re looking for, isn’t it? You’re the one that decided to read this. To get this far. Or did you just start? Start here? With this letter? Don’t…don’t do that. You could be fragmenting the entire picture. Let’s take a second to understand that.

Your life is from one point to another. No matter the span of the journey, it is in relation to points. There must be at least two points to make a destination. Let’s be obviously dramatic: you live and then die. One point of life to another. Everything in between is just another pit stop on the ride to hell-, I mean heaven. Or whatever you believe. Because, face it, none of us are getting out of here alive anyways! (The drums beat in a three tone roll off, fireworks explode, the crowd [you] roars!) Back to the point, the best way to get an idea of where you’re going/what you’re creating is to understand where you have been to calculate where you must go. And that means utilizing what you have now.

Life could be like a painting and you’re the artist. Every brush stroke counts, layers play a big part, blending in curiosity creates new hues. If you’re vastly experienced or capable, you could have the clearest image in mind that drives you to its end. This is going to be a lot, I’ll put it in the next paragraph;

The one thing you must know about your enemy is their weak points. The one thing you don’t want your enemy to know is your weak point(s). So, in a fight, between you and yourself, where do you hit? Metaphorically speaking of course. But that brings tons of light to this dark ass room you still seem to be locked in.

Turn the damn knob.

Sometimes you don’t need a proposed idea. Sometimes you have to just go for it and trust that you adapt much better than you can plan. I promise you, the feeling of trusting powerlessness is like playing the game of chance. One filled with an abundance of self-esteem, confidence, knowledge, awareness, hunger for progress and unpreceded guidance.

Remember earlier when I said those pattern breaks hold power?

(I said big information but power sounds more, powerful.) Do you think intelligence is stagnant or progressive? Is your mind a reservoir or a river? What does it take to go from one of those states to another? An equal or greater reversal for the river, some damn influence for the other.

So, what’s your, (here it comes!), stratagem? (Oh man! That was a great one!) How good is yours? Have you mapped out where you want to go? How are you going to get there? What’s necessary to get there? What don’t you need? What can stay behind? What aren’t you sure of? Can you afford the extra weight? How long is it going to take? That last question will literally rot your mind and take away such a profound amount of necessary energy. (Make the time required an illusion, live by progress.)

But listen, we all idle different. We all move at different speeds. We all have the option to drive. We also have to remember; we all should park every now and then. Take a look around, make sure everything is in working order, perform some maintenance and get back on the road. What’s your rush? You already know where it ends. How much time have you wasted worrying about the end that you missed all these scenic areas, pit stops, back roads, changes of scenery, people, interest, curiosities, tastes, fashions, ways, and sensations? I hope you know that your plan should include a break from your plan.

You’re thinking, “Here I am again showing myself the importance of patience, conscious planning, boldness, therapy, absorption and clarity. (Wo)Man, I’m so good to myself.” Along with that I hope you said something along the lines of “This journey might be a bitch. I should understand how to get there by taking and categorizing multiple milestones (objectives to accomplish/connections to create a clearer image), simplify them, enjoy the reward of each point hit and finish my journey with the same strength I started with! Maybe a routine, maybe some environmental support. How serious am I about these manifestations? I coul-” You should do this, indefinitely. Don’t talk so much either. Learn to stop and listen.

Other’s failures teach you what NOT to do.

“What about the holes in the ground?” Like the bridges you can’t cross anymore. Are they under construction or did you burn? How useful is it being a good swimmer if you are constantly treading water? That’s nothing. Do something long enough and you will get good at it. I’m not impressed by that; I would be impressed by you figuring out that there were some fires that weren’t worth starting. Potholes you could have avoided. Bad weather is always promised, how will you weather it? What could have been an accomplice to the destruction? Why waste your time? Do you understand where those situations stand? Can you move forward? Get back on the road then.

I’ve came to the realization that I lack opposition in this letter. I should always inform you that everything is not your fault. The ruts, the detours, the storms, the burnt bridges, floating along the waters surface (whether it be glass still or ravishing) or any destructive scenario. You had a plan, it’s different now from then, it may have to alter, do you still desire the same thing? How long has it been since you sat down and thought about it? If you’ve careened out of control due to another force then remember this; You’re not lost, you are being tested. And the only person who decides if they will win or lose, is you. If you believe you can make it out then you’re correct. If you believe you can’t make it out then you’re correct. See what I did there?

The analogy, “like a broken record”, it symbolizes no progress. A constant, dreadful recirculation of tiring percussions. You’ll go insane by trying the same technique to fix the same problem while expecting a different outcome. Read that again. A loop is a pattern, a pattern is a plan (in a sense, right?) and in this case it shows you that you need to do something DIFFERENT. Oh, sorry for the capitalization, but, seems like an important word. Nevertheless- remember what I said, “Learn to understand”? Move the damn needle, continue the song.

How am I going to wrap this up? It’s been such a journey already. I have given you, us, a lot to think about. Just keep thinking about it.

Trust yourself. there are only influential fluctuations. Find the polarity.

What are diamonds if not for pressure? Escape, butterfly.

PS: Repeat as needed.

PPS: I hope you make it out.

PPPS: Are you chasing desire or demise?

PPPS: Is faith evidential or accidental? This question really bothers me.

*Side note: If you enjoyed this odd yet interesting string of thought, please feel free to donate and keep up with me as this blog will contain a ton of creative series ranging from different topics, experiences, projects and challenge directed submissions! Thank you!

I will, after meeting default income quota, be automatically sending a share of my proceeds to charity. The more you donate the more that is directed towards a great cause!

Sincerely, Jahvon.


About the Creator

Jahvon "Jex" John

I am a self taught writer and visual artist. Creating everything from poetry to films.

"Paintings tells their story, books show their tales."


My virtual portfolio can be found on:

instagram: _Jahvon

Reddit: u/Inevitable_Jex

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