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How Do Aquarius and Virgo Get Along?

Virgo and Aquarius Matches

By Justin LongstikPublished 11 months ago 8 min read
How Do Aquarius and Virgo Get Along?
Photo by Daniels Joffe on Unsplash

When a Virgo and Aquarius get together, their conversations will never run out of topics. They also share an interest in a wide range of things including music, movies, and art.

However, the challenge for Virgo and Aquarius is their different approaches to emotions. Virgo tends to be guarded and trust-challenged, while Aquarius is more rebellious and may seem distant or unpredictable.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury

Mercury is the planet of communication. It rules over two zodiac signs, Gemini and Virgo. As a result, if you have Mercury in your birth chart, it likely means that you're naturally interested in taking in information and communicating with others.

When Mercury is in Virgo, you'll probably spend a lot of time on projects that require precise and concrete information. This is because you're very analytical and know how to convert information into meaningful results.

In a professional setting, you'll also be an excellent communicator. You're skilled at organizing and implementing changes to complicated systems, and you're an expert at seeing patterns and links.

This enables you to be an effective team player and an important part of any successful work team. You're also good at keeping things organized, especially in your home.

Virgos are practical and organized, which is why they tend to prefer a clean and orderly environment. They also enjoy creating routines and habits that help them to maintain a high level of organization at home and in their work.

Since Virgo is the sign of service, you'll find that you have a strong desire to make your partner's life easier. You want to help them with all of the details that come up in a relationship, and you enjoy being the one to provide support and encouragement when they need it most.

You'll need to be careful not to push your partner too hard. You may become overbearing, and you might get bored if your partner doesn't share your interests.

In a romantic relationship, you'll find that you're drawn to someone who is open-minded and intellectually stimulating. This can be a good match for you, but it's also important to avoid a partner who is too emotional or nostalgic.

You may also have a tendency to focus too much on the details, and not enough on the bigger picture. This can lead to you overlooking things that need to be fixed or changed in your life. If this is the case, you might be a good candidate for consulting with an astrologer to see if there are any underlying issues that need to be addressed.

Aquarius is ruled by Venus

Venus rules love, beauty and romance, and is a planet that focuses on making connections. It also governs things like fashion, music and food.

Aquarius is one of the signs ruled by Venus, and they tend to be very independent and eccentric. They’re not necessarily the most social or open-minded of the zodiac, but they have a strong sense of aesthetics and are very romantic at heart.

These people are also very good at flirting and wooing others, so they have a knack for finding the perfect partner. They’re not into the traditional love game, but they appreciate a partner who is genuine and willing to share in their passions and interests.

Some Venus-in-Aquarius relationships are short-lived, but this placement contains a special date that suggests long-term commitment: on January 23rd, Venus will meet Saturn in the sky. This is the first time in 2022 that Venus will be conjunct Saturn, and it signifies an opportunity to invest in something that you know will last.

It’s an astrological date that can be used to commit yourself to something you’re truly passionate about, and if you use it well, you can ensure it’s one you won’t regret. The best way to approach this date is to think about what you want to invest in, and then find a way to make it happen.

They’re very focused on their ideals, and they have a strong desire to explore the world and be free. But that’s not to say they won’t get distracted and bored — they just love a challenge, and if you can keep up with their wild ideas, they’ll be happy.

As a result, these people have a strong tendency to be very protective of their personal space and privacy. They’re also very sensitive and can easily be overwhelmed by emotion, but they always have a deep understanding of what’s important to them.

Despite these challenges, they’re still very romantic, and they’ll be looking for that special someone to help them achieve their dreams. They’re not afraid to take risks or break the rules when it comes to their relationships, but they’ll want a partner who will understand them and support their unconventional side.

Virgo is ruled by Mars

As a planet of drive, ambition, and passion, Mars plays a huge role in astrology. When it's in your sign, it says a lot about how you feel about yourself, the way you assert yourself, and how much energy you have.

It also says a lot about your relationship with sex and the way you experience romance. For example, your Mars sign tells you if you're more interested in physical pleasure than emotional connection.

People with Virgo are highly practical, organized, and meticulous. They are also incredibly detail-oriented, so they're great at keeping track of all the little details that can lead to a smoother process in the workplace.

Virgo people are perfectionists, so they'll often go over their work several times before it's done right. This can make them a great choice for those in leadership roles, as they can help guide the team to success by setting high standards.

They're also very good at analyzing their own mistakes, so they can spot problems that others might overlook. This can lead to more efficiency in their jobs, so it's a good thing for employers.

Because they're so focused on the big picture, Virgos are also excellent listeners and communicators. They can have a knack for being funny and entertaining, so they're great at making friends with others.

The Virgo sign also has a connection to healing and self-care. This is because Virgos are connected to the sixth house of health and wellbeing.

In this house, Virgos are especially connected to Chiron, the wounded healer. This is why they can be so helpful in helping others recover from illness or injury.

They are also a good choice for those in leadership positions, since they can be a great mentor or coach to others. They also tend to be very patient, so they're a good choice for anyone who needs a steady hand and strong leadership skills.

It's important for Virgos to balance their work and home life during Mars transit in Virgo, as they may find themselves feeling stressed or overly critical of themselves or others. However, they're also likely to find that this transit brings a surge of creativity and passion for artistic pursuits, hobbies, or romantic relationships.

Aquarius is ruled by Saturn

People born under the Aquarius sign are ruled by Saturn, which means they have discipline and hard work in their blood. They also like to stick with long-term relationships and don’t have time for new friends, especially if they’re not true friends with a common purpose.

Moreover, these individuals have a strong need for privacy and personal space and don’t often give in to peer pressure. They’re tolerant and compassionate, but they’re not afraid to stand up for themselves and their beliefs.

They’re not afraid to take risks, but they also know that there’s no shortcut to success. They’re very goal-oriented and love to stick with a daily routine that helps them achieve their goals.

In addition, they’re incredibly intelligent and passionate about what they do. They’re also very open to new ideas and have the ability to expand their perspectives and thoughts.

Aquarius has a very unique and individualistic personality, which is what makes them a good match for Uranus, the planet of originality, innovation and expanded consciousness. Traditionally, Uranus is thought to control natural disasters, but it’s also the planet of change and progress.

When it comes to Aquarius, Saturn and Uranus share power, but they each have their own qualities that set them apart from the other. This combination gives these people a flair for their eccentricity, individualism and creativity that others find charming.

It’s a good thing that they’re not afraid to push the boundaries of traditional ideas, but it can be challenging to get them out into the world, which is why a lot of Aquarians are very discerning about who they allow into their circles of friends and family.

Despite this, they are often loyal and deeply committed to their loved ones and values, which can make them seem very genuine. They’re always willing to help out when they can, and they’re very loyal to their partners and children.

The biggest takeaway here is to remember that if you’re willing to put in the work, you can create lasting change and success in your life. So, if you’re feeling stuck in your career, it may be time to do some soul-searching and start working on finding the next step forward.

To Learn More About Aquarius and Virgo, click here

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About the Creator

Justin Longstik

I am a professional writer and enjoy writing about all different topics.

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