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Fractal Findings

Lithos, The Hidden Healer

By Quantum NestPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

What is the connection between Lithium and consciousness?

How is chaos controlled by corruption?

What is the most powerful number in the world?

Each of these questions reflect a different truth. Each truth reflects a single Truth. The difference between a truth and a Truth is that one is an individual experience of the Divine and the second is a collective experience of the Divine. Truth and truth are reflections from a single source. The Divine is the Source. Divinity is purity and sanctity delicately wrapped in the present moment of Now. The present moment where a question can be asked.

Questions are energy tools that emit a specific frequency of consciousness.

To ask a question, one must be conscious.

To answer a question, one must have intelligence.

Therefore, the question itself, serves as the power and proof that a conscious intelligence can manifest itself both inside and outside of a corporeal form.

Lithium is the lightest metal on the periodic table. It's atomic number is 3. This number reflects the number of protons that the element contains, which reflects the chemical properties that the element will reflect.

Reflection is an important property in the world. It absorbs information while simultaneously projecting information. Information is the foundation of consciousness. Without information, consciousness could not know itself. To know itself, consciousness must continuously explore, evolve, create and transform.

Consciousness knows itself as a living, breathing biological being. Consciousness is all that exists. It is the essence of existence but consciousness is mysterious. It holds infinite states simultaneously in parallel dimensions of non-locality, subatomic quantum fields of non-duality, and in the macrocosmic explosion of dying stars.

Consciousness is a supernova, bursting and regenerating itself into beautiful organic and inorganic fragments of stardust.

Earth was built out of stardust. Earth is sustained by stardust.

Lithium is the Lithos, or stone, of stardust ,hidden in the crust, stored in the minerals and salts of the Earth. Lithium Bicarbonate is an inorganic compound. It is a salt of the Earth and it has miraculous powers to heal and to transform.

Lithium ions function as biological messengers. Ions are parts of an atom that carry an electrical charge. Lithium ions hold miraculous power to heal the physical body by restructuring the pathways of neurons into new patterns of interactions.

Lithium has the power to heal a significant number of ailments.

It alleviates Manic Depressive Illness and prevents the reoccurring, unpredictable symptoms of mania and depression.

Lithium can cure Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Alcoholism, Schizophrenia, Dementia, and Alzheimer's.

How can I make a claim as bold as this?

To start, there is countless research from peer-reviewed pharmaceutical and psychological scientific journals that prove the success and miraculous powers of this healing therapy. One book, "Lithium: A Doctor, a Drug, and a Breakthrough" by Walter A. Brown, further explains the Cinderella story of this element as it was repeatedly renounced as only a toxin and deliberately ignored as a healer by the mainstream pharmaceutical industry.

The mainstream drug industry does not want the world to be interested in Lithium because Lithium is natural. Lithium is found in igneous rocks and mineral springs. It does not have to be manufactured or artificially created in a lab. Therefore, Lithium has very little value in the eyes of a Wall-Street investor or Chief Financial Officer of a major pharmaceutical company.

Rather than promoting the powers of Lithium, the industry decided to promote an artificial alternative that would produce a profit.

The system is designed to abide by the rules of the collective. The collective overpowers the individual because the collective holds the ultimate power. The collective is a collection of thought-patterns and the thought-patterns are conscious. These conscious thought-patterns emit a frequency.

As of September 19th 2020, the collective thought-patterns of human beings operate at the lowest frequency of consciousness, as shadows of fear.

All shadow frequencies are powered by fear and all fear is a state of consciousness.

It is either repressive or reactive.

The spectrum of consciousness is called the Gene Keys and the Gene Keys are a transcendental teaching of Oneness, designed to bring humanity back to its original state of innocence and harmony.

The shadow frequencies are healed by the siddhic frequencies. The siddhic frequencies are expressed in the gift frequencies. The gift frequencies are the intelligence of Genius. This intelligence is where we can find the answer to the first three questions presented at the beginning of this post.

The connection between Lithium and consciousness is the intelligence that can discover an element, extract it from a rock and give it a name.

Ultimately, giving an inanimate piece of material an identity with a specific purpose.

Chaos is controlled by corruption because there is an intelligence that understands the nature of reality and can manipulate realities as a power of that understanding.

Until the intelligence ascends into a higher frequency of consciousness, then the lowest frequencies of chaos and corruption will continue to dance as single programming partners in the theater of Life.

The most powerful number in the world is three: The Trinity.

One Mother. One Father. One Child.

One Body. One Mind. One Spirit.

The Divine Feminine. The Divine Masculine. The Golden Child.

One relationship transcending the form as consciousness itself.

- Aletheia M.

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About the Creator

Quantum Nest

Quantum Nest fosters health and wellness by harnessing the boundless energy of free thinking, creativity and intelligence.

We host the podcasts The Lux Quadrant and Fractal Findings, which can be downloaded from Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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