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Fear is Holding you Back from Improving your Mental Health

Let others know you’re hurting, they want to help

By Nicholas McKennaPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

While mental health topics are being talked about more, it doesn’t make it easier for some to go get help.

Listening to someone talk about their journey through their issues is great but others look at it as “they got their life together, why can’t I get mine together?”

Not the right way to look at this.

Think about how this person changed their life and what you can take from their story to help you.

Just because what they did helped their mental health issues doesn’t mean that it couldn’t help your everyday issue.

Understanding the Compound Effect to Improve your Mental Health

Using small choices can make a big difference in our lives.

Not many know what the compound effect is. My first thought when hearing this is compound interest and then I’m turned off by the topic because I find economics boring.

It wasn’t until I realized I could use methods from different topics that I started improving myself.

What do I mean by this?

You can take methods, like the compound effect, and used them outside of their original fields.

For instance, the compound effect goes like this, you make small choices, add consistency and time, and you get major results.

If you were to use this in your daily life, how much better do you think your life would be?

Recite a positive mantra to yourself every morning, begin walking when you get home from work, or do one good deed every day.

The smallest actions can have the biggest effects on your life and others if you are consistent and give it time.

Get rid of the Stress Causing your Lack of Courage

Why is it that we let our fears run our lives?

It’s a common problem but most of us will never find the answer. Everyday stress can start building as soon as you wake up, causing us to fear the rest of the day.

We become more cautious throughout the day as a result. Not taking what we think are risk when in reality they are everyday tasks like talking to someone you run into at the store.

The longer we let fear control us the more time we waste living to avoid it. We should be living to experience the beauty of life. Not hiding from what might cause us pain.

Learn what the source of your fear is so you can manage it.

Don’t like confrontation? You can stop avoiding those who speak to you aggressively. It’s better to confront your fears than run away from them.

The only way to conquer your fears is to attack it head on. You may need to go slow but you must confront it.

It’s Brave to Ask for Help

If this wasn’t scary everyone would be doing it. It doesn’t feel good to get rejected or be judged. Be brave and don’t concern yourself with what others think.

Just changing your behavior is a sign of courage. It can also help us overcome our fears and improve our chances of being successful.

Mental illness is a hot button issue today and is getting worse as the days go on. If you are suffering from one of these illnesses, it can be scary going to get help.

Don't feel ashamed. You have the support of your loved ones.

These are the people you should being for help anyway. Not some stranger walking past you. Be strong and ask for help when you need it.

Believe it or not, the scariest part of asking for help is asking. You don’t want to be rejected or judged and others feel weak by admitting that something is wrong with them.

Take a deep breath and find someone you trust the most.

The fear of asking for help will try to prevent you from getting better. Don’t let it. You won’t become the best version of you if you do.

Final Thoughts

You never know what to say to someone who is down and looking for advice. The same goes for someone who confides in you.

The best strategy is to be understanding. If you don’t get what they’re trying to say, apologize and say you don’t understand but you are here to help any way you can.

You need to realize that opening up to you might be one of the hardest things they have ever done.

Be there for them and let them know you understand how brave they are being by conquering a fear and taking the first step towards getting better.


About the Creator

Nicholas McKenna

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