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Drug Psychosis

The journey to myself.

By Tamika MuirPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Drug Psychosis
Photo by Matthew T Rader on Unsplash

I had been smoking meth for a year, I found it hard to maintain my habit now that I finally kicked out my drug dealer boyfriend. One of my new supply resources suggested I injected it, showed me how & gave me my first shot. The rush of the meth hitting my heart was euphoric, the feeling of being energised, happy & satisfied was enough to keep me addicted to the powerful mind drug meth for over 3 years now. I rarely get the rush or energised feeling anymore, but it stabilises my mood & completes me, I need to feed my addiction or it attacks me through my mind & physically disables me. I have been trying to quit for over a year now, meth has the power over me to arrive when least expected. The powerful mind drug has opened my minds energy to manifest meth in my life, it has grabbed onto me & makes it intolerable to go without. I am weak in my battle against meth & find it hard to find the way away from it. I experienced an evolving psychosis which developed into skitzophrenia. I have been lucky enough to travel this magical brain created imagination, hallucination & delusional journey. A fortnightly injection of an antipsychotic medication inhibits my psychosis characteristics, leaving me with a clear & logical mind. Its hard for me to believe that what I lived through is not actually real. I believe in telepathy, spiritual guides, aliens, various gods, naturally occuring signs, mind readers, spirits, angels & devils, possession, gaslighting, self awareness, the third eye, government trials, science discovery, channeling, souls & conscious levels most of these beliefs could actually have some involvement in the occurences endured. The beginning is hard to determine, but one of the first instances involved a huge shadowed object in the sky, which I waved to & expressed I wasnt ready yet. Another was a couple of ladies voices communicating they could help me after I begged for help to overcome my addiction, a foreign group arrived through my media & electrical appliances concerning financial issues, a white light increasingly got closer to me & when entered me another couple entered my voice library, buzzing, machinery, animal communication, instruments & weather sounds increased. Observations of drones, cloud shapes, shadow people & symbols, entities, energies, animals, projections & body language of family & friends, increasingly kept my mind yearning for more stimulation. Sensations of feeling accompanied, observed, touched, squeezed, heated, cooled, lifted, entered & altered were incredibley comforting & enthralling. With all three senses open to fully invite stimuli, I experience amazingly wonderful powerful happenings which become draining on my functioning self. I asked the universe to take control of my life & I was given the gift of a dimensional kaelidiscope & my creativity & imagination opened up. I have had countless memorable moments which astound me, if only I could live in both worlds simultaneously without the control of the voices. I would feel myself lucky. grateful & happy. My mind has been opened to another realm & find it unsatisfying to not experience the phennonenom.

I consumed a green pill & instantly felt like my heartbeat & breathing were out of control, I needed a shower immediately. My vision went blurry, with different levels of perception, I couldnt focus or clearly see things right in front of me, they seemed dimensional, I felt a sudden arrival of energy of comfort surrounding me, I heard helicopter type noises & sirens, then voices of concern trying to settle me . It seemed as though I could hear the peoples thoughts that were around me. This trance like state lasted for 6 hours, I was worried I wouldnt snap out of it, it was intense like I was being watched & judged, all while my senses were impaired, I could hardly coordinate my body to function normally. I slept for a few hours & awoke in a daze, confused as to what happened to me. It felt as though a doorway to my mind was left open, something changed with my general feelings & mood, my brain felt as though it had been emptied of something, like I lost some sort of control, pulled nearly in another direction. I investigated the remnants of the green pill, it looked as though there were some sort of wires or magnetic chips scattered through out it. I felt tingling sensations moving all over my body as the thought of I have been microchipped entered my mind with an instant set in of panic & wonder.


About the Creator

Tamika Muir

I am a single 41 year old pisces, I was diagnosed as being in a drug induced psychosis which developed into skitzophrenia, I have a methamphetamine addiction for no explainable reason. I have wonder as to why I experience what I do.

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