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Creative flow

Combat depression through spirituality

By Rachel willette Published 3 years ago 4 min read

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you want to make it through this life with your chin up, own your fucking self. Be who you are supposed to be. Let go of what anybody else is telling you to do, and just live your life for yourself. I don’t care who you are or where you come from or what you look like, if you lead with a good intentioned heart and do good for yourself and treat others with respect and you’re doing what feels right for you and you WILL flow into the next life with a sense of fulfillment. Because that’s the point of life. It’s going on your own journey. It’s fucking up along the way while you figure out who you are, and what you want out of life. There is no beauty without ugly. And there is such beauty in the ugly. Life is not meant to be lived working 40+ hours a week with hardly any time to do the things you’re really passionate about that make you happy or not having the time for your family and friends. Life is not all about money. Money is easy to get. This year taught me a lot of truly valuable lessons that caused me an ungodly amount of pain. And that’s okay. There is no pleasure without pain. Forgive yourself for making mistakes. Forgive yourself for acting like someone who is not who you are. Forgive yourself for lying. For faking. For being an asshole. It’s not weak to cry. It’s not weak to break. And you know why you should forgive yourself? Because no matter what, you create the life you live. And there is always light in the dark if you’re willing to look for it. For all my people who struggle with mental health? You’re my people because I understand. I understand being afraid of appearing weak because all you want to do is cry or sleep. I understand what not eating feels like. I understand what not sleeping feels like. I understand what it feels like to not give a fuck about your appearance. I understand what it’s like not feeling comfortable within your body. I know what it feels like to be abandoned by those you love. I know what it feels like to want to just end it. I know what it’s like to be afraid of being put in a glass box in clothes that aren’t your own (psych wards), surrounded by people who think you’re suffering from a disease and want to put a label on you and shove pills down your throat. I also know what it feels like to be my own light in a dark world. It takes courage, strength, and an iron willpower. If you’re feeling lost, look up at the stars and make your inner light shine just as bright. Be kind. Be compassionate. Dance. Sing until you run out of breath. Paint. Draw. Play games. We don’t need clubs and bars to have fun. You can prance down a sidewalk just fine jamming out like the fiery spirit everybody has in them. Take ALL the pictures. Fucking laugh til you cry. Roll with all of the punches and get the fuck back up. You are strong. You are worthy. And I don’t care what you’ve done up to this point, just forgive yourself, learn from lessons no matter how many times you have to make the same one, and do better every day. Know that you’re not alone. You can be the most beautiful person on the outside looking like they got their shit together, and be a completely broken person on the inside without anyone knowing. You. Are. Not. Alone. There are people, like myself, who would be very willing to listen if you needed someone to just simply talk to who isn’t going to judge you or make you do things that arent in alignment with yourself or make you feel afraid to be yourself. There is only one you and you are uniquely yourself and you should be proud of that. Everything is always working for you. You just have to believe in yourself.

*To show appreciation for a truly beautiful soul who is quite impressive at hand making very unique jewelry, this is a shout out to Yvonne from Holistic in Mystic. Her shop is in mystic, CT, she teaches reiki which is extremely beneficial for people struggling with their thoughts and uncontrolled emotions. Her shop and her general vibe offers intense healing right as you walk in the door. I haven’t known her long, but I’m beyond grateful we crossed paths. She’s helped me find my inner queen because it takes a queen to know another one 👑❤️

#spreadloveandkindness #getcreative #riskeverything #fightforyourself #ownyourshadows #standupforfreedom #dance #sing #shoutlovetothesky #alwaysbethankful #mentalhealthawareness


About the Creator

Rachel willette

I’m just a little starchild striving to be a light in the darkness 💫

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