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Collection of inspirational stories

most basic and simple starting point, we need to rethink our relationships with family and friends, not through external norms and constraints, but through the most direct recognition within us.

By paul carpentierPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Inspirational Story 1:

A little bird flew south to spend the winter. It was very cold, and the birds were almost frozen stiff. So, flying to a large open space, a cow passed by and pulled a pile of cow dung onto the bird. The frozen bird lay in the dung pile, feeling very warm, and gradually woke up. It lay warm and comfortable, and soon began to sing. A passing wildcat heard the sound and walked over to see what was happening. Following the sound, the wildcat quickly discovered the bird lying in the dung pile, pulled it out and ate it.

Enlightenment: Not everyone who pulls feces on you is your enemy. Not everyone who pulls you out of the dunghill is your friend, and when you lie in the dunghill, it's best to keep your mouth closed.

Inspirational Story 2:

There was an old lady who tried her best to piece together a kitchen item. She flipped through the manual and worked on it for a long time, in vain. She had no choice but to throw this pile of things aside.

After a while, she unexpectedly discovered that the maid at home had assembled the complex thing with great ease. Surprised, she asked, "How did you do it?" The maid replied, "I can't read, so I have to use my brain as much as possible.

We are too accustomed to revolving around tradition or knowledge, resulting in the loss of simple thoughts or ideas. As a result, everything is too organized and flexible.

Returning to the most basic and simple starting point, we need to rethink our relationships with family and friends, not through external norms and constraints, but through the most direct recognition within us.

Inspirational Story 3:

A person drove to a gas station and stopped at the full service area. Three workers quickly greeted him, the first washing the windows, the second checking the oil, and the third helping him measure the tire pressure.

They quickly completed these tasks and after collecting ten gallons of fuel, the customer drove away.

Three minutes later, he drove back again, and these three people rushed out to greet him. The person said, "I'm sorry, I want to know if someone has refueled my car?" The three of them looked at each other face to face, realizing that in a hurry, everyone forgot to help him refuel.

Have you overlooked the most important thing in your busy life? Think quietly about what is more important in front of you? Has it been a long time since I had a heart-to-heart conversation with my family? Did you forget your passion? Did you neglect the nourishment of the soul?

Inspirational Story 4:

A new disciple came to the stunt team, and the coach started teaching from walking on the tightrope. During practice, this address always falls off before taking a few steps, and after repeated practice, it still remains the same. Finally, he sat down on the ground in frustration. The coach came over and patted the disciple's shoulder, saying, "Falling is a prerequisite for walking steadily." The disciple heard this and climbed up again to practice.

The coach warned beside him, "Walk, keep walking, until you forget the existence of that steel wire, forget the thing of falling, and even if you truly learn

Life is full of accidents, and we must practice walking on a tightrope with a smile and a straight head. If we don't fall deeply, we must stand up again. When we no longer care about "accidents" and "falling". We can walk more steadily than others.

Inspirational Story 5:

Miss Zhang and Miss Wang, who work in the same company, have always been at odds.

One day, Miss Zhang couldn't bear it anymore and said to another colleague, Mr. Li, "Go tell Miss Wang that I really can't stand her. Please change her bad temper, otherwise no one will want to pay attention to her

Mr. Li replied, "Okay! I will handle this matter. Afterwards, every time Miss Zhang met Miss Wang, she was indeed both kind and polite, making her look completely different from before.

Miss Zhang expressed her gratitude to Mr. Li and curiously said, "What did you say? There is such a magical effect

Mr. Li smiled and said, "I told Miss Wang," There are many people who praise you, especially Miss Zhang. They say you are gentle and kind, have a good temper, and have good social connections! That's all

Let us become seasonings between family and friends, enabling others to benefit from ourselves. We strive to cultivate a wise heart and know how to reconcile with others.

Inspirational Story 6:

A lonely person saw an advertisement - "With a phone, friends come

So he installed a phone and hoped that his friend would come with him.

During the day, he worked hard, and after returning home, he stared hysterically at the phone all night, thinking that he had missed a lot of calls. He was still lonely and began to go crazy about the phone calls he might have missed.

One day he saw another advertisement - "With a recorder, friends don't miss it!" So he installed a recorder again.

But a week later, he returned it because the empty recorder made the room even more lonely.

It's not like having friends with a phone, it's not like having friends with money. Having a sincere and proactive heart is more important.

Inspirational Story 7:

There is a management master in the United States, Drucker, who once gave such an example; There are three masons at the foot of the mountain, and someone walks over to ask what they are doing.

The first mason said, 'I am chiseling stones.' The second said, 'I am chiseling the best stones in the world.' The third said, 'I am building a cathedral.'.

Drucker commented that the third mason possessed the talent of a manager.

Inspirational Story 8:

The black child happily took the balloon and let go of it. The black balloon slowly rose in the breeze, creating a unique scenery against the blue sky and white clouds.

The old man squinted his eyes as he watched the balloon rise, while gently patting the back of the black child's head with his hand. He said, "Remember, whether a balloon can rise is not because of its color or shape, but because the balloon is filled with hydrogen gas. A person's success or failure is not due to race or background, but the key is whether you have confidence in your heart.

That black child is Gene.

Inspirational Story 9:

A similar thing happened in another village: during a grand celebration, the village head requested that each household donate a bottle of wine and pour it into a large barrel.

I only saw every household pouring wine solemnly, and soon a large barrel of wine was gathered.

At the climax of the celebration, the village chief pulled out the wooden stopper and poured the wine into everyone's cup. When everyone drank it all in one gulp, they realized that they had been drinking clean water.

Originally, everyone thought that in so much wine, their own bottle of water would never be noticed.

During the tug of war at 80, losing your strength may lead to the failure of the group.

The success of a team is to gather the strength of everyone. Don't underestimate your own efforts, without you, it's not complete.

Inspirational Story 10:

A Scottish prince suddenly understood the true meaning of life while watching a spider web. Poor spider, if it doesn't knot once, it falls off once. Despite repeated failures, battles, and ups and downs, they fell down seven times and finally formed a net.

What is the reward in life?

Crisis and vitality, disappointment and hope, negativity and positivity, are always intertwined. There will always be setbacks and adversity, but warriors are those who still strive in the midst of setbacks.

Inspirational Story 11:

There is a little boy, one day his mother took him to the grocery store to buy something. When the boss saw this cute child, he opened a can of candy and asked the little boy to pick up a handful of candy himself. But the boy didn't make any movements. After several invitations, the boss personally grabbed a large handful of candy and put it in his pocket. Returning home, the mother curiously asked the little boy, why didn't he go to grab candy himself and ask the boss to grab it? The little boy replied cleverly, "Because my hands are relatively small! And the boss's hands are relatively large, so he must hold a lot more than me

This is a smart child who knows his limitations, and more importantly, he also knows that others are stronger than him. Learning to rely not only on one's own strength, but also on others in a timely manner is a form of humility, and it is also a form of intelligence.


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    PCWritten by paul carpentier

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