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Are you Psychopath?

If You Can Solve these Riddles, You're A Psychopath

By WritingJourneyPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Psychopaths are often characterized by their manipulative and charming nature, as well as their tendency to exploit others. They may engage in impulsive and risky behaviors without considering the consequences. Another key aspect is their lack of conscience or guilt, and their unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions. Psychopathy is indeed one of the most extensively researched and recognized personality disorders.

But how can you tell if you're really a psychopath?

Here are some riddles that only psychopaths can answer it:

1. While at her own mother's funeral, a woman meets a guy she doesn't know. She thinks this guy is amazing - her dream man - and is pretty sure he could be the love of her life. However, she never asked for his name or number, and afterwards, could not find anyone who knew who he was. A few days later, the girl kills her own sister.

Question: Why did she do it?

Answer: A psychopath would know the answer is that the girl killed her sister because she hoped the mystery guy would also show up to her sister's funeral and she would be able to see him again.

2. Your apartment building is right next to another apartment building so that when you look out your window, you can see into the windows of the other apartment building as well. One night as you are eating dinner, you look out your window to see a man murdering one of the residents of the other building. The murderer looks at you, and you can clearly see his face. Suddenly, he begins moving his pointer finger up and down at you.

Question: What does this mean?

Answer: While many people would be confused by this question, someone who thinks like a psychopath would immediately recognize what this means. The murderer was counting floors and windows to determine where the man lived.

Psycho Path

I should start by stating that these riddles are not my own. All of them were gathered by myself from YouTube or other social media platforms. But these are my favorites, so I hope the article was interesting to you.

From my perspective, the symptoms of psychopathy can include:

Superficial charm: Psychopaths often possess an uncanny ability to charm and manipulate others. They can be charismatic, persuasive, and appear highly likable upon initial encounters.

Lack of empathy: A defining feature of psychopathy is the inability to empathize with the feelings and experiences of others. Psychopaths may demonstrate a callous disregard for the emotions and well-being of those around them.

Manipulative behavior: Psychopaths are skilled manipulators who effortlessly exploit others to achieve their goals. They may use deception, lies, and manipulation to gain power and control over individuals or situations.

Shallow affect: Psychopaths may display a limited range of emotional expression, appearing cold, detached, or unaffected by situations that would elicit emotional responses in others.

Impaired impulse control: Psychopaths often struggle with controlling their impulses, leading to impulsive and sometimes aggressive or violent behavior. They may act on their desires without considering the potential harm caused to themselves or others.


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