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6 Steps to Conquer Your Binge-Shopping Addiction

Are you a compulsive shopper?

By Sara MariumPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
6 Steps to Conquer Your Binge-Shopping Addiction
Photo by Arturo Rey on Unsplash

Don't be shy...I was the same, my friend (hiding my face)

The two words that could describe me in early 2021 were "BINGE SHOPPER!"

Sigh! I finally got rid of this addiction.

Do you have a shopping addiction? You are not alone.

In fact, there are people who would say that it is an epidemic. We all need to shop from time to time, but when it starts to take over your life and cause problems in other areas of your life - then it's time for some help!

I'll tell you 12 steps that can be taken to conquer the binge-shopping addiction.

1) Quit getting impressed by social media posts

I know, your favorite fashionistas/instagrammers post lots of stories.

Don’t get trapped by their posts and think that you need to buy those clothes

to look like them! It will only make things worse for you if you fall into the trap of social media self-comparison.

You are you - and they are them!

Be happy with who you are.

If you really want to buy a certain piece of clothing, ask yourself, if you rally need it?

In case you need to buy it - then go for it.

If not, leave the site and move on with your life!

Social media posts are a distraction from real life anyway. You shouldn't be spending time looking at them when you could spend that time doing things that make YOU happy, like going out with friends.

Well it’s true, save these HASHTAGS in your mind. 💝🦄✅👏😘 #selflove #BeRealBeRare.

2) Ask your family to watch out for your spending habits

They can help you from falling back into old habits.

Also, make a promise to yourself that if they catch you shopping when it's not necessary, then you will donate the money for purchasing unnecessary things to charity. It really works!

Remember: Shopping therapy is an excellent way of distracting ourselves from daily worries and problems - but only in moderation.

Now it's time to take action!

You should start by making a list of things that you need and then prioritize them according to your needs, considering how necessary they are for you on daily basis.

There is no point in buying something just because it looks cool if you already have clothes that look good enough for the occasion.

It's time to get rid of all this "JUNK" that you don’t really need.

Don't hold on - let it go!

From now on, make sure your wallet is always in a safe place and only take the amount of money that matches your spending plan with you when going out.

3) Stay away from websites that build your urge to shop

As soon as you feel that uncontrollable desire to shop, or see something that makes you want to buy it - leave the site.

Take a walk outside for 20 minutes and use this time wisely.

Get some fresh air or work out a plan on how you can decrease your shopping impulses.

For example, if you have an urge to buy something online - write down what it is and go back after one hour to see whether this feeling was real or just temporary. If the desire still exists try again in another hour!

Meditate on your problems! I'm sure they will seem much less significant after some thinking :)

4) Keep track of your spending

See where the money goes!

Write down how much you spend on shopping every month and what you buy.

If it is too much for your budget - make a plan to cut back spending (or save more).

It might seem like this step will discourage you from making purchases, but in fact, just the opposite! You will only focus on the things that you really need and want, not just buying impulsively.

5) Listen to your emotions

Sometimes we buy unnecessary stuff because we feel sad or angry. When it comes to these feelings - don't try to mask them with shopping! Instead of spending money on something useless, go for a walk in nature where nobody will bother you or visit a friend that will cheer you up.

6) Choose to stop shopping immediately!

You can still buy things - but only when it's worth spending money on them, not just because they are affordable at the moment and your desire is huge :) .

Keep in mind: Be patient with yourself if this method doesn't work from one day to another. It's a process that takes time and effort!

Keep this in mind: Shopping is NOT the solution, but just a quick ‘fix’ for these problems - so don't let yourself get fooled by it again ;)

Remember - it's never too late to make a change for the better, so don’t be afraid to take action now.

I hope my post has helped you in some way. Remind yourself you are on the mission to get rid of binge-shopping addiction.

Be sure to share this post if you found it informative.


About the Creator

Sara Marium

Born to bring words to life. Obsessed with storytelling and little things that make life beautiful. I write blogs related to self-improvement, mental health, productivity hacks and side-hustles.

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