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4 Qualities Of An Introvert That Will Shock you

“Quiet people have the loudest minds.” — Stephen Hawking

By Arsalan HaroonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
4 Qualities Of An Introvert That Will Shock you
Photo by Maria Victoria Portelles on Unsplash

Most people misunderstand introverts; they think they are shy and have an attitude because they will not talk much. But That's Not the case, There are hidden qualities of an introvert that will make them different from other people.

If you are an introvert then don't try to become an extrovert, Instead you use your powerful qualities of an introvert which will give you success in life.

These introverted characteristics will make you realize how blessed you are. I am not saying that extroverts don't have good qualities, They also have. I don't compare them together because they both have different qualities.

This article is about the Qualities of an introvert. It will help introverts to know their strength and, it will help extroverts learn about introverts. So they can know their qualities. Let's learn what qualities of an introvert that will give them success in life.


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1. They prefer to spend time alone

Introverts love to spend time with themselves rather than going out with friends. They prefer to spend some time alone so they can recharge their energy. It will also help them to know themselves better when they spend time a lot.

Introverts are very clear about their vision and, they know what they want in their life. Because they spend time alone thinking about their goal and thoughts, which will clear their way of success in life.

In their whole day they take some time to spend alone. Sometimes, introverts don't know the hidden qualities of an introvert. Which they already have that make their way to success in life.

Spending some time alone will help introverts to know themselves more profoundly and recharge their energy. So they go back and work hard for what they want to achieve.

Unlike Extroverts who boost their energy by spending time with their friend and going to parties. But the introverts boost energy when they are alone and talk to themselves.

For extroverts, this thing is weird, but for introverts, it's their quality to spend alone time, So you understand yourself and recharge your energy.

Now it doesn't mean If introverts have these qualities then you try to act like that. Remember, The mistake people make is they act like the person they aren't.

If you are an introvert, Don't try to be an extrovert. If you are an extrovert, then don't try to be an introvert. Use that power which you already have and use them for your success in life.

2. Talk less listen more

“Listen more than you talk. Be awesome.” — Maxime Lagace

There are several qualities of an introvert, but this one I like the most. Because it will help you learn other people's perspectives about something and make better decisions.

If an introvert go into a party, you notice that most people have a misconception about that introvert. Because he doesn't talk too much and, Talk to the people who they only know.

So most people think they are arrogant because they don't talk too much. But they aren't arrogant, They just want to listen more and talk less. So they understand other people's opinions and based on that then they talk about something.

When introverts say something, there is some valuable and useful knowledge in that. Introverts don't like to talk about something which is not valuable and, Don't have any interest in that topic.

Introverts don't say unless it will provide value, On the other hand. Extroverts like to talk more, No matter whatever they are talking about makes sense or not. They just keep talking. These qualities of an introvert will help introverts in many areas of their life.

3. Introverts only have a few close circle of friends

Most people have the misconception that introverts can't make friends and don't like to socialize. But it's completely false. Introverts don't have many friends because they believe in quality rather than quantity.

They know that quality group friends who are only a few are far better than those who are just only a big in quantity. They know who they surround themselves with is a crucial thing to decide.

But most people don't do that, But introverts carefully choose their friends circle so it will impact them positively in life. But most people think introverts don't like to social that's why they don't make more friends.

But the truth is they like to socialize sometimes and, they thoughtfully choose friends. Because who they surround themselves with will make an impact in their life. Which they know that's why they think before making new friends.

Most qualities of an introvert are opposite to the qualities of an extrovert because they are entirely different personalities and, both have their strengths and weaknesses.

4. Observation

Observation is one of the most powerful qualities of an introvert; they observe how you talk. Their ability to listen more will help them know other people more and know what they want from them because introverts listen to people carefully and observe their personality, Which will help them make better friends.

Their ability to observe people's personalities will help them know what person is more truthful and What person is not. That's why they make few friends because introverts know they’re trustworthy people.


Most people underestimate the qualities of an introvert. But if you notice most of the successful are also an introvert like Elon musk.

Extroverts also have powerful qualities which will make them different from introverts. An extrovert and introvert, Both have their strengths and weaknesses just be who you truly are and use your inner power to become successful in life.

“Don’t underestimate me because I’m quiet. I know more than I say, think more than I speak and observe more than you know.”

~ Michaela Chung

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About the Creator

Arsalan Haroon

Writer┃SEO Expert┃Investor

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