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3 Ways to Understand the Law of Attraction Better

Awesome Steps

By The Enlightenment JourneyPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
3 Ways to Understand the Law of Attraction Better
Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

Undoubtedly, you may have found yourself captivated by the concepts introduced in "The Secret" and yearned for a deeper comprehension of the enigmatic law of attraction. Amidst a sea of spiritual guides and mentors expounding upon this cosmic principle, it becomes clear that the law of attraction, at its core, is merely a label we've assigned to a force that remains shrouded in mystery.

In essence, the law of attraction postulates that the universe operates on the principle of "like attracts like." Visualize yourself as a magnetic force, ceaselessly drawing circumstances, individuals, and material manifestations into your life's orbit. The thoughts you harbor, the images you conjure, and the emotions you nurture serve as the cosmic magnets that beckon specific events and objects into your existence. Yet, as one delves deeper into the intricacies of the law of attraction, a profound revelation emerges: you, and you alone, hold the reins of authorship over your life's narrative.

This realization can be a bitter pill to swallow, particularly if you've been conditioned to believe in external forces meting out punishment or rewards based on your deeds. It can also prove bewildering when it seems as if life's events are entirely random and beyond your control. However, the law of attraction transcends the realm of conscious thought; it delves into the depths of your subconscious mind, where concealed emotions and ingrained beliefs wield immense influence. In many instances, these hidden sentiments and mental programs can override your conscious intentions and emotions. The subconscious tends to exert a more profound and enduring sway, while conscious thoughts often remain fleeting and ephemeral.

Visualize the law of attraction as a tree, with its branches extending above the earth's surface, and its robust roots delving deep beneath the soil. Understanding this metaphysical principle demands a lifetime of learning and firsthand experience. Merely watching a documentary or reading a book hardly scratches the surface. Nonetheless, there are avenues through which you can deepen your grasp of the law of attraction and harness its potential to manifest your desires in life. It's an ongoing journey, an exploration of the unseen forces that shape our existence, and a quest to unlock the boundless potential within us.

Here they are:

1. Read books on the law of attraction there have been countless books written on it such as The Master Key System By Charles Haanel, Seth Material By Jane Roberts, Think & Grow Rich (The original edition) by Napoleon Hill, Psycho-Cybernetics, Law of Attraction by Michael Losier, and Art of Allowing by Esther Hicks. Some of these may not use the term law of attraction, but when reading the books you will come to understand the deeper level of what law of attraction actually means. (There are way too many books to list here, so this is only a preliminary list)

2. Exercise the law of attraction daily even if you just found out about this today, put it into practice. Look for evidence of the things you want.

3. Be patient with yourself. The law of attraction is literally you. Dont expect overnight changes from yourself. Be balanced while still being open minded to great possibilities.

At the core, law of attraction is love. Your subconscious does not judge, and it only obeys your repeated conscious commands or the things you consistently think, feel and see. The universe is the same way. Its unconditional love. That deeper level of you doesnt judge, and it only brings you what you have consistently focused on. So even if you keep saying that you dont want something and you keep thinking about the things you do NOT want, guess what? Youre focusing on those things. And youre bringing more of those things to yourself. The key is to shift your focus on the things you do want.

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