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Pride 2022

Vocal Creators Chronicle

By The Vocal Creators ChroniclePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 14 min read
Top Story - June 2022
Art credited to Sleepy Drafts

"Since its official establishment in the year 2000, when it was originally coined “Gay and Lesbian Pride Month”, LQBTQ+ month has evolved to become a period of celebration, of recognition and, above all, of pride for the queer community.

Yet, despite the Western World taking giant steps towards equality in the past few decades, many still face immense hardship, and the battle against homophobia and bigotry is ongoing. Many people often turn to their creative sides in times of distress, with the LGBTQ+ community being no exception, and it’s through art and stories such as those so bravely shared within the Vocal Pride Community, that we can share and acknowledge these experiences as a community. But of course, not all LQBTQ+ stories focus on struggle and tragedy. Here, you’ll find a selection of work from Vocal’s queer (and/or ally) creators which span a vast number of topics and styles, from abstract poetry, to light hearted memoirs - there’s something here for everyone." - J.R. Lowe

Note from the Editors: Les and Caroline wish to welcome you back to the magazine. We know it's been a while! We are growing. More updates to come. This issue was collectively compiled by a committee, as well as curated by offering up the ability to submit to anyone who wished to through the Vocal Social Society. As such, it is a tad longer than usual, but we hope it makes up for lost time.

Centerpiece Pick 2022

A Friend to Lot's People - OMAR AL-MAHMEED

A great writer takes you to unexplored depths, helping you to see and feel the world differently. Here, Omar writes viscerally and candidly about his life as a Bahrainian - American gay man. His story is raw and proud. Readers, be prepared to engage with a fabulously honest and immersive voice.

"I had never truly experienced rampant homophobia in my childhood. Not hostilely, anyway. The homophobia I got from my Arab family was handing me "fig leaves" to cover my shame with. I didn’t know what purpose those leaves were meant for at that age, but my family somehow did...So, the closet wasn’t allowed to keep me safe because it wasn’t meant to exist." - Omar Al-Muhmeed

~Be sure to hit that 'back button' or follow the 'return to magazine link' (available in some inclusions) to return to the main magazine and explore all of its content.~

Editor's Choice

Les: Not only is Gerald incredibly devoted to his daughter, he is also devoted to his fellow Vocal members. It seems every story shared in VSS has a kind word from him. It's a pleasure to highlight his poem.

Caroline: Pride is enforced through role models and icons. Here, Kamna Kirti brings Michaelangelo out from Vatican whispers and shows us a man who could be a gay renaissance pioneer.

I love every part of that!

Content Submitted From Members of Vocal Social Society

Commentary & FYI

These articles provide some preface to encourage mindful reading of the coming content. We greatly appreciate the work these creators put in to help us all understand the queer world, its origins and future.

A mythical history of LGBTQIA+ - STEPHEN STEVIE COLE

"So, to give us something to say back to those who try to claim that gay equality and transgender liberation is some kind of new fashion or fad; that it's a disturbing sign of modern and postmodern times that goes against "what humans naturally are as a species", or "how humanity and society has always been", let's have a look at some of the cultures across the world who, throughout history have defined and demonstrated sex and gender in their own ways, especially those who venerate someone outside of the baby making binary."

Let's Have a Conversation About Gender Identities -MARIE CADETTE PIERRE-LOUIS

"As for all social matters, the more we speak about them, the more we have come to see nuances within a same subject. And the more diverse and different the debates are, the larger the audience has become. Therefore, my view on gender identities maybe useful, in a way that it might bring something new in a very complex debate or, at least, it might help express some ideas in a different way."


Walk in their words; understand the journey.

I'm Panromantic Asexual - NATASJA ROSE

Leave it to our longtime columnist, Nastaja Rose, to help us all understand each other better. Have you wondered about the acronyms and labels? Natasja explains them through her own journey of self-discovery.

" 'Queer', while originally a slur, is currently often used as an umbrella term for someone who doesn't want to go into detail, or is still working out exactly what their identity is. "Questioning" covers those who are pretty sure they aren't as Straight as originally assumed, and are trying to find out more before choosing a label that suits them."

How The Pandemic Helped Me Finally Come Out - J.R. LOWE

J.R. Lowe is one of the most talented creators on Vocal, but also one of the most humble. You likely know him best from his "Memes for Established Creators" series, which we adore too. Here, he offers us a glimpse into the man behind the words we enjoy so much.

"It's strange how things like that can control your whole life, and it's not until you rip the Band-Aid off that you wish you'd done it sooner. I feel so free now, and I often wonder if I'd ever have had the courage to come out if the crazy things of 2020, like the pandemic, hadn't happened. So thank you 2020 for being the strangest, most eventful year of my life so far and for putting my situation into perspective. COVID-19 may have forced me to stay in, but at least I finally had the courage to come out."

I Don’t Hide in the Closet Any More - LAWRENCE EDWARD HINCHEE

Another talented Vocal creator shared his daunting experience after someone, rather maliciously, questioned the purpose of the rainbow flag in his profile picture, to which he replied with a beautifully written response:

"Robert, I really don't owe you any explanation for the rainbow flag, period. It is none of your concern as why I have it on my profile page. What I do in my bedroom and with whom is no ones business including yours. I have the flag to support the gay community because I am gay as well. I served when we weren't allowed in the military and if you have issues with my sexuality, then that is your problem not mine. I lived my entire life worrying about what others felt or thought about my sexuality and I was miserable. I refuse to be put back in the closet."

Being Unapologetically Me - SHAUNA MULLEN

Shauna opens her heart on the page to share her experiences with the world. We love the depth of her insight and the emotion behind the words.

"Growing up, I was never confident in myself or my sexuality. I was always chasing people around, desperate to be accepted which got me in some pretty messed up situations. I always put my faith in the wrong people and got let down every single time. When I got out of my hometown, I realised that the world is so much more accepting than I realised."


Of course, not every Vocal piece produced by our queer creators and allies focuses specifically on issues and hardships. Far from it. In fact, below you’ll get a taste of some intricately crafted poetry, produced by some of Vocal’s most extraordinary rainbow writers, which delve into abstract descriptions of something we’ve all experienced in some shape or form: love. We've opted not to pull quotes here as poems are best read blindly, and we want you to fully enjoy being immersed in their words.

Courageous - SHAUNA MULLEN

Breathing in Life - Anna Henderson

Lightning ⚡ Pride 🌈 - LIGHTNING BOLT

I First Saw Him Across the Street - J. DELANEY-HOWE


Violets on Church Street - SLEEPY DRAFTS


Often a genre all writers tend towards, the plethora of quality fiction involving queer characters or topics on Vocal demonstrates what a safe space this platform provides. Here are some picks from allies and queer creators alike. Best enjoyed over several days and a multitude of cups of warm or cold beverages (It's winter in Australia!), make time for these—we know you'll agree they are worth savouring.

The Taste of Red - SLEEPY DRAFTS

"You gripped yourself like a precious stone that was falling apart. Your arms wrapped around your shoulders, fingers reached to clasp onto the blades of bone in your back. Through the window, I watched as you pulled yourself together through the force of your palms. I watched, as you cradled and rocked yourself under the sigh of the moon."

Daring to Pair When Love Is Measured in Threes - LIGHTNING BOLT

"This story begins on August 23, 2016, the day the world learned of the Supreme Court’s monumental ruling on marriage equality. That Tuesday afternoon, I was here in this NNC studio. My husband Kyle directs this program, so he was here also. Our househusband Joshua was at home. I can only guess what Josh must have felt when he heard the news………."


"Keith was rarely quick to follow an unsolicited instruction. However, he found his thumb was already tracing the raised line by the time his curious mind had agreed to try it. As he completed the pattern, the world broke apart into pieces like sand grains. Bits of color and light swirled as they reassembled around him."

Coming Home - PAULA SHABLO

"Madge stared at her hands, neatly folded in her lap. We had discussed children; of course we had, and if we’d been of another generation we might have gone further than a discussion. But we’d both been in our thirties when we met and fell in love–not exactly a great age to be having babies, not with all the hoops we would have had to leap through to accomplish it."

The Most Beautiful Birthday Cake Ever - JULIE LACKSONEN

" 'Oh, Tim!' I hugged him. 'I’m happy for you. I do love Jake, you know.' I put my hands on either side of his face and said, 'We will make the most beautiful chocolate cake you’ve ever seen - or tasted.'

'Thanks, Mom,' Tim pulled away, 'We’ve been together for two years, and this feels right. I knew you’d be supportive. I’m a little more worried about Dad.' "

Point Resolute - PENNY FULLER

"At times, the barn was a refuge for other souls beyond the four-legged wool bearers that had full range of the island. During tourist season, when the manor-born and manner-bred returned to the mansions that ringed the coastlines with beaches, the children of the full-time residents would come here for a lunch in the shade, lest they be roped into helping their parents with the gardening and housekeeping of the estates."

Cooking Dragon's Championship - MARIANN CARROLL

"The day before the competition, Sara visited her best friend Herbie , a transgender [person]. Herbie owns a multi million company that made eternal batteries. Sara and Herbie used to date; they had a fall out [and] misunderstanding. They are just friends now. That does not stop Herbie from trying to win Sara over, again. Sara asked Herbie assistance in creating Rainbow Dragon’s reserve power source for the AI cooking Championship."

"Best Friends" - NATASJA ROSE

"Written in the style of a historical text discussing the reign of Queen Alexandra of Dorion, first Empress and second ruler of the Alexandrian Empire. Inexplicably intwined with her reign is the fierce debate about the exact position occupied by her ‘best friend’ and bodyguard, the assassin Sayfiya al-Aziz...

Inspired by countless instances of same-sex relationships being misidentified as 'just really good friends'. "


Whether it be a movie or a set of songs, media can help us process our emotions. It's no surprise that creators turn to them to express their feelings surrounding Pride.

Film Review: 'The Wise Kids' - TREVOR WELLS

''Apart from a few hitches it has in the writing department, The Wise Kids is a touching exploration of religion, friendship, and discovering who you are. As the well-written and wonderfully acted characters demonstrate, learning and evolving as a person is a lifelong process and one which can get bumpy at times."

Coming Out As Non-Binary With An Enby-Love and WLW Playlist - SLEEPY DRAFTS

"I reminded myself that non-binary doesn’t have one look to it. In fact, that's part of the point. The space between the binary isn’t meant to be another box."


Single All the Way - LISBETH STEWART

Sweet Freedom - PAULA SHABLO

From Allies

Let us not forget those who provide such fundamental support to the community as well - our allies!

Her Pride Makes Me Proud - KELLI SHECKLER-AMSDEN

"Her nerves made me a little nervous too, our hearts racing out of control. She said mom, the words escape me, I don’t quite know what to say. But I found that I like guys and girls, I am pretty sure, I’m gay. It sounded almost like a question, I looked her squarely in the face. I said, honey, I don’t care who you love, it’s HOW you love, you should embrace!"

A Pride of Lions - MIKE SINGLETON

"The Stonewall riots (also known as the Stonewall uprising or the Stonewall rebellion) were a series of spontaneous demonstrations by members of the gay community in response to a police raid that began in the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, at the Stonewall Inn in the Greenwich Village neighbourhood of New York."

Latest News From Vocal

Talk about wearing our hearts on our sleev—er t-shirts! Vocal finally has merch y'all. Get the limited first edition before they sell out.

Delve a Little Deeper

"Thank you all for joining us for this issue of VCC. Pride is all about finding yourself, acknowledging the journey, and celebrating who you are. We hope you’ve learned something new, made you think, and for them queer folx out there—made you feel seen. Your voice matters. All day, everyday." - Oneg in the Arctic

AND FINALLY.....DRUM ROLL PLEASE. The Vocal Creators Chronicle has its first advertisement! We are so proud to partner with a client that stands for diversity, inclusion & love—the very essence of Pride. Please check this out and share with all...

Until next time, reminding you we are #bettertogether

Our email is always open. Share your kindness. Celebrate life.

Be sure to subscribe to The Vocal Creators Chronicle on Vocal to receive all the latest updates from your favourite magazine BY CREATORS & FOR CREATORS in your daily news feed.

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Message the Editors: Les, James or Caroline, and let them know what you are thinking about. Address: [email protected] or through Messenger on our Facebook page.

Important Note: While we love the brand that gives our creations a place in the world, The Vocal Creators Chronicle is an independent publication. We are NOT Vocal Media, and we neither represent them nor answer questions on their behalf. All direct Vocal inquires should be directed to their support staff, starting here: SUPPORT. You may also find relevant information through their resources section, which can be found here: RESOURCES.

About our content: According to Vocal, anyone can publish on their platform. They moderate every story to ensure it complies with their Community Guidelines. However, they do not fact-check every story. Furthermore, the views and opinions expressed in the stories of the columnists and the editors of The Vocal Creators Chronicle are those of the individual Creators and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Vocal nor The Vocal Creators Chronicle. The Chronicle does not accept liability for the personal opinions or use of advice of any of the columnists or editors. All advice is considered to be undertaken solely at the readers' discretion. Non-original content submitted by columnists is expected to be used according to copyright laws. The Chronicle does not accept personal liability for the use of content included by its columnists.

First published June 20, 2021 by The Vocal Creators Chronicle.

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About the Creator

The Vocal Creators Chronicle

We are a free online magazine.

Show us your best work in Vocal Social Society (VSS) & Great Incantations. Click Here for our webpage.

With love, Les, James & Caroline

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  4. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  5. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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Comments (6)

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  • Trevor Wells2 years ago

    Awesome collection of LGBTQ+ content that I'm happy to be a part of 🌈

  • Gerald Holmes2 years ago

    Excellent job to all involved in this. I am humbled to be included in this but most of all I'm humbled by the kind words from Les. Thank you.

  • Omar Al-Mahmeed2 years ago

    So honored to be amongst these wonderful works! I spent the whole day reading through some of the other entries and I’m so glad to be apart of something so great with so many diverse voices! Can’t wait for the next one.

  • I read this and really enjoyed it. I am honored to have contributed to this great magazine. I can't wait to feature more stories for you. Thank you for such a great edition.

  • Another excellent edition , some amazing hard work

  • J. R. Lowe2 years ago

    Aw thanks for the kind words. This edition looks great!!

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