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A Dangerous Combination. Is technology affecting humans in a negative light?

By Zenia SamsonPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash

Humans have benefited from technology in many different ways. Our lives have become simpler, more effective, and more fruitful as a result. We have been able to connect with people from all around the world and learn more about the world around us thanks to it.

The following are some concrete instances of how technology has aided human development:

  • Agriculture: Farmers can now produce more food with less labour thanks to technology. This has given us more time to engage in other pursuits while feeding a rising population.
  • Transportation: Travelling is now more convenient and quick thanks to technology. This has made it possible for us to travel and socialise with new people.
  • Technology has streamlined and accelerated communication with others. This has made it possible for us to collaborate with people from all around the world and keep in touch with distant friends and relatives.
  • Education: Thanks to technology, we can now learn new topics while relaxing in our homes. This has widened access to education for people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Healthcare: We can now diagnose and treat illnesses more accurately thanks to technology. For millions of individuals, this has raised their quality of life.

These are just a few instances of how technology has aided in the development of people. It's possible that as technology develops, there will be many more ways that it can make our lives better.

In addition to the examples stated above, technology has aided human development in a variety of broader contexts. As an illustration, technology has:

  • Our knowledge has grown as a result of technology, which has made it possible for us to access a great amount of knowledge that was previously inaccessible. As a result, we now have more knowledge of our surroundings and can make wiser decisions.
  • A more nuanced comprehension of the world around us has been made possible thanks to technology. For instance, we can now examine the human genome and monitor the development of diseases using technology.
  • Widened our horizons: Technology has made it easier for us to communicate with people around the world and discover new cultures. As a result, we have improved our tolerance and understanding of other people.

Overall, technology has benefited human development. Our lives have become simpler, more effective, and more fruitful as a result. We have been able to connect with people from all around the world and learn more about the world around us thanks to it. It's possible that as technology develops, there will be many more ways that it can make our lives better.

Technology has ingrained itself deeply into our daily lives. Everything from communication to leisure to labour is done using it. But is our use of technology making us more idle?

Without question, technology can simplify our lives. To borrow a book, we don't need to go to the library; we can just download it to our e-reader. We may order our goods online and have them delivered to our house, saving us the trouble of making a trip to the grocery store. Additionally, we may conduct our banking online without standing in a queue at the bank.

But all of this comfort might not be free. When we rely entirely on technology, we risk losing the ability to solve problems on our own. We might become less independent, inventive, and active.

Technology can make us lethargic in several different ways. For instance, technology can:

LESS ACTIVE: We don't have to move about as much when we use technology to accomplish everything for us. This might result in a sedentary lifestyle, which raises our risk of heart disease, obesity, and other illnesses.

LESS CREATIVE: When we rely entirely on technology to think for us, we risk losing our originality. We might become less likely to develop original concepts or find answers to issues.

LESS DEPENDENT: When we rely entirely on technology, we could start to lose our independence. We can become less likely to look after ourselves or find solutions to our issues.

Naturally, not all implications of technology are bad. Technology has the potential to:

MORE PRODUCTIVE: We can use technology to increase our productivity at home and work. We can make presentations, produce reports, and manage our accounts, for instance, using technology.

MORE CONNECTED: We can use technology to keep in touch with far-flung friends and relatives. Technology allows us to share pictures and movies, make video calls, and send emails.

MORE INFORMED: We can learn new things and keep up with current events with the aid of technology. Technology enables us to read news articles, view instructional videos, and enrol in online courses.

So, does technology encourage laziness? The response is complicated. Technology can affect our idleness in both positive and harmful ways. It is our responsibility to make good use of technology and avoid doing us harm.

Here are some pointers on how to use technology without becoming complacent:

  • Limit how much time you spend on screens. Don't stare at screens for more than two hours each day.
  • Regularly stand up and move around. Every 20 to 30 minutes, take a break from your phone or computer to stand up and stretch.
  • Make decisions for yourself. Don't rely solely on technology to complete your tasks. Try to take on some of your responsibilities, such as cleaning, cooking, and running errands.
  • Be imaginative. Your creativity shouldn't be stifled by technology. Find ways to express your creativity with technology, such as through writing, photography, or music.
  • Be self-reliant. Don't become dependent on technology. Learn how to take care of oneself, including learning how to cook, clean, and handle your finances.

You can utilize technology in a way that helps you and does not hurt you by paying attention to these suggestions.

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About the Creator

Zenia Samson

Hi, I'm Zenia and I love to get information and know the facts as I believe in the motto of "Knowledge is power" and I would love to be a powerful person.

Here im going to share my power with you


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