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You are the eternal love in my heart


By Rodney C BlankenshipPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


Not all people can meet just the right person at just the right age. Even if you meet the right person, you may not be able to afford the love you want.

When is the right age? What exactly is the right person like?

I think the right age does not mean how many years, but the right time to meet, both people are full of good expectations of love, and both are free and are eligible to pursue love. The right person should be a person who has the same heart and the same interests. If not, how can they have a mutual love for each other?

However, even if they are just right and truly love each other, they may not be able to carry their love to the end. The phrase "a lover will eventually become a couple" is very often just a good wish, but the number of lovers who can become a couple is ultimately a minority.

There are many couples in life is not have the most love in each other's hearts, their combination itself is a kind of will, their keep together is only to weigh the pros and cons, or because of some ties have to hold back, and they often live in the heart of love but can not, nostalgic people.

Love but can not, nostalgia, in the onlookers seem meaningless, but for the person concerned, that is an integral part of life.


A friend once asked me if it was bad or wrong to have a person in your heart.

I said, good or bad, right or wrong, the key is how you look at it. In my opinion, it is a beautiful thing to have a heart to think about and a heart to feel because the heart will be fuller and will not feel empty.

Although the taste of longing is not good, the memories of the good, dreamy warmth, are enough to soothe all the despair and sadness.

Time is going by, the world is changing, and only memories are eternal.

Life is not easy, the world is difficult, and the only dream is hope.

There are memories and stories, life is more meaningful.

There are dreams and pursuits, living is more motivated.

You can look for the footprints left by love in the memories and relive the good old days, it does not matter if you can start over, there are memories to remember, it is romantic enough.

You can also take love as a lifelong dream, always have a good expectation, it does not matter whether it can be achieved, there are dreams to think, is good enough.

The person's heart is filled with a person, no need to ask right or wrong, all the encounters in the world have meaning, the person's appearance may be to let you know what is attached, what is missed, what is deep love long.


Many people have a deep love in their hearts, and in the beginning, is also considered to be a sensation, but it is a pity that there is a fate but not a part, into a lifetime of regret.

The fact is that the actual person who is in the marketplace is a person who is in the marketplace. Although the end of the story is written full of sadness, once the good has long been engraved in the heart, even with a lifetime of time will not learn to forget.

The first time I saw you, I still remember the weather, the temperature, the sound of the wind, and the smell of the air. Your eyebrows, smile, voice, and the shadow that fell on the ground are all still fresh in my mind.

If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't have known what it was to be in love with someone who didn't know what to do.

If I hadn't fallen in love with you, I wouldn't have known that "the end of the earth is poor, only the endless place of love."

When I met you, I learned to love; when I fell in love with you, I knew how to think about each other.

I thought that the person I would be with for the rest of my life would be you. I never thought that you were just a passing visitor in my life, not destined to keep each other.

I can't stay with you, my heart is full of regret. For the rest of my life, I can only put you in my heart, silently think about you, and hang on to you from afar.

Whether or not you are the same as I am, the heart misses, can not forget, that you are my heart's eternal attachment.

I'm not going to say anything extra, I just wish you peace and happiness, forever.

love poems

About the Creator

Rodney C Blankenship

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