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"World Wouldn't Exist" Reflection

"World Wouldn't Exist"

By C.S LEWISPublished 7 months ago 2 min read

In a realm where the cosmos kiss the stars,

In the infinite tapestry of time's memoirs,

Lies a notion, a profound cosmic twist,

A paradox of existence, the world wouldn't exist.

In the vast expanse of the cosmic sea,

Where galaxies swirl in a mesmerizing spree,

Infinite possibilities in the universe persist,

Yet, consider a world where it wouldn't exist.

No Earth to cradle life in its embrace,

No vibrant ecosystems, no human race,

A cosmic void, a silence that persists,

In the tapestry of space, a world that wouldn't exist.

No oceans to dance with the silvery moonlight,

No forests to shelter creatures in the night,

No mountains reaching for the heavens' mist,

Imagine a realm where the world wouldn't exist.

No laughter of children, no songs of the birds,

No tales of triumph, no heartwarming words,

A canvas devoid of colors, eternally missed,

A world unrealized, a world that wouldn't exist.

But in this thought experiment, let us dare,

To explore the implications, to be aware,

For it's in the shadows, in what we dismiss,

That we find the meaning of a world that wouldn't exist.

For it's the void that shapes the solid ground,

The emptiness that makes the fullness profound,

In the darkness, the stars of dreams persist,

As they flicker in the void, in a world that wouldn't exist.

In this counterfactual realm, we must reflect,

On the fragility of life, what we must protect,

For the world's existence, a precious, fragile gift,

Is a testament to the cosmic chance we did not miss.

So, cherish the oceans, the mountains, and the skies,

The love in your heart, the tears in your eyes,

For in this reality, in the midst of the mist,

We celebrate the existence of a world that does exist.

In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, we persist,

For our world is real, and its wonders, we insist,

As long as hearts beat and dreams persist,

We revel in the glory of a world that does exist.

nature poetry

About the Creator


I presently think positively. Railing and censuring just destroy. Confirmed speculation develops. I currently take a gander at the daily routine that I experience and confirm, "It is Great." I love and favor the Ideal Power inside me

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