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Woman's Enigma

The Mystery Within Her

By Life Goes OnPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
Woman's Enigma
Photo by Sebastian Unrau on Unsplash

In shadows draped, a dangerous she,

A siren's song, her voice set free,

With piercing eyes that mesmerize,

A temptress, luring with disguise.

Her essence cloaked in mystery,

A force that thrives on history,

Her past a web of darkened lies,

Yet all are drawn to her reprise.

Beware the grace in every stride,

A dance of danger, worlds collide,

For in her touch, a venomous kiss,

A potent brew of bliss and abyss.

Her heart a labyrinth, a maze,

A fickle flame that wildly sways,

She'll whisper promises untold,

But chains of love will soon enfold.

Her laughter, like a siren's call,

Her presence holds both great and small,

For those who dare to venture near,

A perilous love will soon appear.

With every move, she casts her spell,

A vixen weaving heaven and hell,

Her laughter tinged with sweet disdain,

Her love, a wildfire, no restrain.

Yet deep within, a tender soul,

A wounded heart that seeks control,

But fear not, brave ones, if you can,

To tame her spirit, understand.

For in her fire lies a spark,

A fragile light within the dark,

Embrace her strength, her flaws, her might,

And you may find a love alight.

So heed this warning, dear, bold men,

For she's both angel and demon,

A dangerous woman, wild and free,

A journey's end or destiny.

love poemsperformance poetry

About the Creator

Life Goes On

Hey there! it's Mushfica Najneen. I am a student who is obsessed with stories and imaginary world.

Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/mushficanajneen/

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