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Why Must We Love on Borrowed Time?

A poem of love within the limits of time

By Jocleyn SorianoPublished 4 years ago 1 min read
Photo by luizclas from Pexels

We’re all living on borrowed time,

time that’s not ours to keep,

time that won't even let us know

how long we may laugh or grieve.

We borrow a moment,

and soon the moment’s gone;

We grasp it with our trembling hands,

but it slips right out again.

Why does it feel

as though we're meant to last forever

when we can’t even try

to last for a day?

Why does it feel

as though it’s never fair

that as soon as we’ve ever met

we'd have to part our ways again?

And yet through it all

there is beauty and love...

and yes, there is joy,

joy that is dipped in tears.

Is it more beautiful

because it is borrowed?

Is it more eternal

because it cannot last?

But somewhere deep within,

we know that it cannot fade.

For how could it just go away

when all beautiful things must stay?

So stay,

in this borrowed day,

in this borrowed life,

in a world where all happiness is tinged with pain.

Through pain and anguish we weep

but within our tears we laugh.

In this borrowed time we learn to live,

we learn to fully love.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

You may also want to see my book "Poems of Love and Letting Go". From time to time, you may find it FREE on Google Play (Android) or on Amazon Kindle.

Read more - Click Here

"I see now that no person who has ever loved has ever been spared from tears. Tears of joy and tears of sorrow. Of the most intimate union and of letting go."

Poignant, timeless and true. This book is a personal collection of poems about love and letting go. Whether it be a newfound love, a love that endures a lifetime, or a love that will soon be saying goodbye, one can find in these pages something like a mirror that tells the story of one’s own heart.

“To love is to be rapt in bliss, to be torn asunder and to be healed and made whole again.”

love poems

About the Creator

Jocleyn Soriano

Writer. Poet. Inspirer! Author of Poems of Love and Letting Go.

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