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Whispers of the Leaves: Nature's Colorful Tapestry

A Poetic Ode to the Beauty and Significance of Leaves

By Jahid BinPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
Whispers of the Leaves: Nature's Colorful Tapestry
Photo by Sergey Shmidt on Unsplash

Leaves, oh leaves, in colors arrayed,

Nature's masterpiece, beautifully displayed.

From verdant green to autumn's embrace,

A tapestry of hues, a seasonal grace.

Upon the branches, they dance and sway,

Whispering secrets in a gentle ballet.

With every breeze, they rustle and sigh,

A symphony of nature, as time passes by.

In spring's awakening, they unfurl with delight,

Tiny emerald buds, a promise in sight.

They soak in sunlight, embracing the day,

Nourished by rain, they flourish and play.

Summer's arrival brings vibrant shades,

Leaves dressed in glory, nature's accolades.

They provide shelter, a canopy above,

A refuge for creatures, a testament to love.

But autumn arrives, and the world transforms,

Leaves adorn themselves in golden norms.

They paint the landscapes in fiery splendor,

A farewell spectacle, before they surrender.

With a gentle descent, they float to the ground,

Covering paths and fields, forming a mound.

They crackle beneath our feet, a lullaby's sound,

Whispering tales of seasons renowned.

As winter whispers its icy breath,

Leaves rest in slumber, a temporary death.

But fear not, for their cycle will renew,

As life awakens, their beauty will ensue.

Leaves, oh leaves, nature's precious art,

A reminder of cycles, a rhythm in our heart.

In their fragile existence, lessons we find,

Of growth, change, and the passage of time.

So let us cherish each leaf's brief stay,

In this wondrous tapestry, day after day.

For in their fleeting beauty, we see,

The resilience and grace of nature's decree.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Jahid Bin

Jahid Bin, A poet of profound emotions, weaving captivating verses that resonate with longing, love, and self-discovery, inviting reflection and connection.

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