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Whispers of Autumn: Rustling Leaves in Serenade

A Poetic Ode to the Tranquility of Falling Leaves

By Jahid BinPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Whispers of Autumn: Rustling Leaves in Serenade
Photo by Simon Wilkes on Unsplash

As autumn's palette paints the trees,

A symphony begins on gentle breeze.

Rustling leaves in a golden hue,

Nature's whispers, calming and true.

Beneath the branches, they gently sway,

A tranquil dance in the light of day.

Their delicate touch, like a whispered song,

Inviting solace, where peace belongs.

Rustling leaves, a soothing sound,

In the quietude, serenity found.

Their gentle whispers, a lullaby,

Nature's melody, as time drifts by.

With every step upon their path,

A rhythmic carpet of nature's bath.

Crackling footsteps, a tranquil beat,

Guiding us to a tranquil retreat.

In nature's embrace, we find release,

Amongst the rustling leaves, a sense of peace.

Their gentle chorus, a calming refrain,

Easing our minds from stress and strain.

Rustling leaves, a soothing sound,

In the quietude, serenity found.

Their gentle whispers, a lullaby,

Nature's melody, as time drifts by.

As twilight descends and daylight wanes,

Leaves continue their dance, free from chains.

In the moonlit glow, they softly sway,

A nocturnal rhythm, tranquility's display.

Let us rest beneath their sheltering shade,

Where worries fade and burdens fade.

The rustling leaves, a natural balm,

Bringing us peace, like a soothing calm.

Rustling leaves, a soothing sound,

In the quietude, serenity found.

Their gentle whispers, a lullaby,

Nature's melody, as time drifts by.

In the realm of rustling leaves, we find,

A gentle solace for heart and mind.

Nature's serenade, forever to keep,

A tranquil refuge, in our dreams, we'll sleep.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Jahid Bin

Jahid Bin, A poet of profound emotions, weaving captivating verses that resonate with longing, love, and self-discovery, inviting reflection and connection.

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