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Subtle echoes of eternity in the embrace of inevitability.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 6 days ago 2 min read
Photo by Ahmed Adly on Unsplash

In the quiet hours, when the world holds its breath,
There are whispers that linger, faint echoes of souls departed,
Ghosts of memories woven into the fabric of existence,
A tapestry where life and death intertwine, inseparable.

Death, they say, is the great equalizer,
A relentless tide that claims all in its path,
From the cradle to the grave, it keeps its solemn promise,
Inevitable, undeniable, a truth written in the stars.

We try to grasp it, this concept of ending,
Yet it slips through our fingers like sand,
Time, that relentless march towards the unknown,
Leaves us standing at the edge of eternity.

Whispers of the departed float on the breeze,
A gentle reminder of our mortality,
They speak in the rustle of leaves in autumn,
In the hush of snowfall on barren branches.

They are the faces in old photographs,
Smiles frozen in time, eyes that once sparkled with life,
Now captured in sepia tones, fading with the years,
Yet their essence lingers, imprinted on our hearts.

Death comes in many forms, a thief in the night,
A slow unraveling of threads, a sudden storm,
But always it comes, unbidden yet inevitable,
A part of the cycle, the rhythm of existence.

We mourn those who have gone before us,
Their absence a void that echoes in our souls,
Yet in their absence, we find a deeper understanding,
Of the fragile beauty of this fleeting life.

For what is life, if not a dance with death?
A delicate balance between light and shadow,
Between joy and sorrow, love and loss,
Each moment a step towards the inevitable end.

And so we live, with an awareness of our mortality,
Embracing each sunrise as a gift, each heartbeat a miracle,
Knowing that one day, we too will join the whispers,
Become part of the symphony of souls that came before.

Whispers of the departed remind us to cherish,
To hold close those we love, to find meaning in the mundane,
For in the end, it is not the years we count,
But the moments that take our breath away.

So let us honor the whispers, the echoes of those who have passed,
Let their stories be woven into the fabric of our own,
For in remembering them, we affirm our own existence,
And find solace in the inevitability of our shared fat

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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