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Whispers of Sand

An Ode to the Playful Grains and Seaside Dreams.

By Joy LakraPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Whispers of Sand
Photo by xiaokang Zhang on Unsplash

Whispers of sand

By Tony Pham on Unsplash

Amidst the seashore's vast expanse, I stand,
In search of tales untold, upon the grains of sand.
Each speck a memory, a story to share,
A whimsical journey, beyond compare.

I spy a tiny castle, built with care,
By a child's hands, with dreams to spare.
A moat of laughter surrounds its gate,
Where waves of joy perpetually elate.

The seagulls dance above, a feathery fiesta,
A joyful chorus, with zest and festa.
They prance on the sand, with wings spread wide,
Their squawks of glee a playful guide.

In the grains, I find a message so wise,
A secret message from ancient skies.
Whispers from stars, so far above,
Woven into this beach, this land I love.

An ode to the grains, so soft and fine,
In every one, a universe is divine.
Each whispering tales of the ocean blue,
Infinite stories, to me and to you.

So when you feel the sand beneath your feet,
Listen close, and a symphony you'll meet.
For in each grain lies wonder and delight,
A treasure trove of laughter and light.

This is my response to Cendrine Marrouat's Grains of Sand challenge, where she invites us to "explore the world of the tiny." Through poetry, I participate in this endeavor, delving into the enchanting realm of minute wonders. The poem titled "Whispers of Sand" pays homage to the playful grains and the dreams they harbor on the seaside.

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Joy Lakra

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    Joy LakraWritten by Joy Lakra

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