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What is a woman?

Subject Original. fire and desire.

By hadiyah Published 2 years ago 6 min read
“Find peace in other truths” -Emerald Intuition. the light work.

Every human's first home. the womb space. the state of human existence where invisible becomes material. and material moves from dark galactic space towards the fluorescent lights that have been known to cause headaches.

Woman. the first man. that men see. the mirror men use to determine their validity. do I exist? a man asks. to me. as if his mind is blank and he is unable to see. he leans. greatly. mirror mirror, moving around me. tell me tell me, I need to know...am I the prettiest thing that has ever been seen.

what you gave as poisen. Poseidon. was. in truth. a workout routine. a training session. for us both. though it is clear you may have taken serious. to mean. the goal. is everything. you are not an athlete.

I’ve been treating adults the way I treat children of this society, in particular, and that is no more. It does not make sense to me for an adult to participate in any type of relationship, and be confused as to the nature, flow, rhythm, and growth tension always present. The argument of being clueless as to the nature of the connection you share with another adult exposes the degree to which you have not been committed. Every relationship I am actively engaged in, I am acutely aware, as painful as it can feel at times, of the layers of connective tissue and their health. Whether I am tending to the wellness or not, I can speak to and unpack, from perspectives, the connection. So, it is even more evident by your confusion that the connection that we shared was one sided. imbalanced. one side of the body had been overcompensating for the others lack of attention, emotional maturity, and dignity.

Children by their very nature require softness. gentleness. kindness. respect and awe for the learning lifestyle that is inherent to the development of a growing human. the society that has been created and nurtured by the imagination of emotionally wounded humans who label themselves Adult, stands in stark oppression over the environment and ecosystem necessary for the development of the human. From this understanding, I sought to learn what in this society of forgetting was redeemable, while I learned the ways it preached. Having graduated. now I release my attachment to your comfort. I release my vow to be a citizen of your thoughts. I release my heart. from your politics. from your success. from your belief systems. I don’t need attachments. I don’t need to be confirmed by your eyes, words, comfort. They never felt whole. from the beginning. I was just learning. and hoped that in time and with more knowledge, things would click. And things did click. just not in the matter that was taught to me. Funny. I learned how to use my left hand bc I thought it would be useful. and it has been. However, I’m right handed. and now I get to choose when I want to tap in. or naw

You snickered at me tenderness. You aimed to cajole me out of my body. You thought, how naive…wait until she grows. Now I am the growth you told me to grow into, and I see what you said I couldn’t see before. You said you had the advantage, follow me. and I did. and so I learned. You are not me. You do not know how to lead. a me. For that was never your role. to be a team leader. that wasn’t even your heart’s desire. you were bamboozled. and you continue drinking the cool aid. simply bc of embarrassment. You are embarrassed by your patterns. so you hide. then you cover up. then you deny. then you harass. You follow the ole’ belief that if others believe then it makes the truth less true. you don’t even see that you lie. and do to that practice, you are a lier. I don’t care to tend to false feelings. and now that I have learned, I can release that practice. of participation. in abuse. Your ways seem boring. and sad. without allowing yourself to be bored and sad. Weird. and it is not even fun. being a concept built by hands attached to needing. doing anything to need.

Are we living through the end results of the positivity movement

(btw. the positivity movement is the same practice that slaves are forced to perform. civility. polite manners. don’t reflect the true nature of this being, force a smile, and lighten your voice. over time. deaden your eyes. it is a form of heaviness. that is unnecessary. harmful. The animal kingdom doesn’t need seminars and workshops for different expressions of nature to live in communion. a higher version of unity. The chapter 1. no one will reread. it is the foundation. the build. Crescendo. the building blocks. a, b, c’s. colors and shapes. numbers and rhymes. dress up is play. dancing is divine. your body is your first love. and exhale is how you breath. give to her. She will muse for you. she will delight and invite you to feel. deeply. all the pleasures. still supporting your free will. free will and pleasure is the truth of this land. the trick. you can never not have. a body in this land. the original trinity. the apple that Eve invited Adam to perceive. is the sustenance that made the body necessary. hence, “now I can see”. and Oh. the beauty. the flower that is like me. Oh. how curious is this being.

God smiling. I’ve created a playground for bodies. that is what you feel now. Go. play. enjoy. the rawness of nature. but remember one thing. (though if you forget. no stress. One. I’ll remind you constantly and two it is all make believe. you always have your spirit. and memory of heaven. to lean back into if life feels.)

Observations as opinions. then we call them facts. facts are stamped and logged. into the memories of our obedience. the inlay before the character is felt. I observe. differently. for I feel before I see. I trust the dirt under my feet. I fall in love with flies. living with spiderweb dream catchers. they balance out other types of energy. my friends are the rave flies. and the flirty squirrels. the abundant butterflies. the curmudgeon rollie pollies. my young hands use to grab for. gently. now I know better. just observe their vibes. drinking in the moment of purity. connection meets admiration. a sweet kind of peace. a marriage of soul and body. 8. 7.

happy new year. to me.

I will continue the childlike nature God gifted us with. from the beginning. even before you begin. If the construction of this world relies on building blocks. of a kind created beyond our current, past or future capacity. why would your science construct a model of the world it occupies, undermining the very nature of the world it is plagiarizing. are you stuck in the pattern of usurping. all that is.

remember. We grow here. stagnation is not success. We cycle. We transmute. We play, sing, dance, and love. This is the land where hearts grow. and laughter rains. healing designs. beauty reigns, and quality affirms.

love poems

About the Creator


I am a tattoo artist.

that works soul deep.

the potency leads to rebirth.

so death is how we will see.

your heart.

is all you need.


come play with me.

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