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"Wandering Through Fields of Love"

"Wandering Through Fields of Love" celebrates the pure and unbreakable bond between a girl and a small tiger. Their love, strengthened by time spent together, is a testament to the power of love and its ability to transcend differences. The poem and song are a tribute to this unique and beautiful affection that continues to grow.

By Manikanda RamanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

A Love between them which is exposed by a song.

Once upon a time, in a forest so green,

There lived a tiger, small and lean.

He roamed the woods with grace and pride,

And all the animals ran to hide.

But there was one who did not flee,

A girl with eyes as bright as the sea.

She saw beyond his fearsome guise,

And with love in her heart, she reached for his eyes.

He nuzzled her hand, soft and warm,

And from that moment, a bond was born.

They explored the woods and danced in the sun,

And as they roamed, their love only begun.

She taught him to play, to laugh and to trust,

And he taught her to roar, to run and to must.

Together they roamed, wild and free,

Two hearts, one love, forever to be.

And as the sun set on the horizon,

They lay together, wrapped in a bond so strong.

She whispered softly, with love in her voice,

"Forever my tiger, my heart and my choice."

So they lay there, under the stars,

With love in their hearts and no scars.

For they knew that their love was pure,

And would endure, forevermore"

A bond between them which is exposed by a song.

In a world so vast, where the winds blow wild,

A girl and a tiger roamed, both so meek and mild.

They laughed, they played, and they roamed free,

Two hearts, one love, forever meant to be.


With fur as soft as a summer breeze,

And eyes that sparkled with love and glee.

Together they roamed, through fields so green,

Two hearts, one love, a fairy tale scene.

She whispered secrets, under the moonlight,

And he listened intently, with eyes so bright.

They shared moments, that words can't explain,

And together they grew, in love's sweet refrain.

With fur as soft as a summer breeze,

And eyes that sparkled with love and glee.

Together they roamed, through fields so green,

Two hearts, one love, a fairy tale scene.

As they walked, hand in paw,

They knew that their love was strong and raw.

For they had each other, through joy and through pain,

And their love would remain, forever unchained.

With fur as soft as a summer breeze,

And eyes that sparkled with love and glee.

Together they roamed, through fields so green,

Two hearts, one love, a fairy tale scene.

So they roamed on, through the land so wide,

With love in their hearts, and nothing to hide.

For they knew that their love was strong and true,

And forever would remain, me and you"

Affection between them which is exposed by a Song.

In a forest so green, where the trees sway and sway,

There lived a tiger, small and strong in every way.

He roamed the woods with grace and pride,

But there was one who saw beyond his fearsome side.

She saw his heart, as bright as the sun,

And with love in her eyes, her journey begun.

Together they roamed, wild and free,

Two hearts, one love, forever to be.

She taught him to play, to laugh and to trust,

And he taught her to roar, to run and to must.

Their love grew strong, as they roamed the land,

Hand in hand, they roamed wild and free hand.

She saw his heart, as bright as the sun,

And with love in her eyes, her journey begun.

Together they roamed, wild and free,

Two hearts, one love, forever to be.

And as the sun set on the horizon,

They lay together, wrapped in a bond so strong.

She whispered softly, with love in her voice,

"Forever my tiger, my heart and my choice."

She saw his heart, as bright as the sun,

And with love in her eyes, her journey begun.

Together they roamed, wild and free,

Two hearts, one love, forever to be.

So they lay there, under the stars,

With love in their hearts and no scars.

For they knew that their love was pure,

And would endure, forevermore"

Unchained Affection or Love or bond.

The unique love between a girl and a small tiger. The two of them roam through fields and share special moments under the moonlight, with the tiger listening intently to the girl's whispers. The poem emphasizes the strength of their love, which remains unchained and true through both joy and pain. The song is a celebration of this love, which is like a fairy tale.

Throughout the poem, the couple faces different challenges and situations, but their love never wavers. In one instance, they may be separated by distance, but they find comfort in knowing that their love will bring them back together. In another, they may face opposition from those around them who do not understand their love. But they never let that get in the way of their relationship, as their love is strong and unbreakable.

Despite the ups and downs, the girl and the tiger continue to wander together, hand in paw, through the fields so green. They know that their love is a rare and special thing, and they cherish every moment they have together. They find joy in each other's company, and their love continues to grow and flourish with each passing day.

The poem and song are a tribute to this unique and beautiful love, and a reminder that love knows no boundaries and can come in many forms. The love between the girl and the tiger is a testament to the power of love and the bond that can form between two hearts, no matter how different they may seem.

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About the Creator

Manikanda Raman

I am a content writer and ghost writer. I have a website for Personal development. know more about click the link. click here. To know more about investigating stories kindly touch with me.

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