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Roots of Corruption

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 6 days ago 2 min read
Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

In the heart of the city, veins of decay run deep,
hidden beneath the facade of glass and steel,
the glittering surface masking the rot within.
Whispers echo through hollow halls,
reverberating with the promise of power,
the clink of coins exchanged in shadowed hands,
deals struck in hushed tones,
as the lifeblood of corruption pulses unseen.

Monuments rise to honor the dishonest,
statues cast in bronze, their eyes blind to truth,
pedestals built on the backs of the betrayed.
History is rewritten by the victors of deceit,
truths buried beneath layers of lies,
the past obscured by the smog of ambition.
Promises crumble like ancient ruins,
eroded by the relentless tide of greed,
foundations laid upon shifting sands.

Beneath the marble floors of governance,
roots of corruption twist and tangle,
binding the powerful in a pact of silence,
a conspiracy of shadows and whispers.
Paper trails lead nowhere, disappearing
into the labyrinth of bureaucracy,
where red tape strangles justice,
and transparency is a shattered mirror.

In offices lit by artificial light,
the architects of decay draft their blueprints,
strategies for exploitation sketched with precision,
every loophole a hidden doorway to wealth.
Influence is a currency traded with impunity,
power brokers in bespoke suits
crafting futures in smoke-filled rooms,
far from the eyes of the public they betray.

The city breathes in the stench of corruption,
its streets paved with the bones of the disenfranchised,
its air thick with the sighs of the oppressed.
Promises of change are swallowed by the void,
campaign slogans a mockery of hope,
elections a theater of the absurd,
where the same faces wear different masks,
and the puppet strings are never revealed.

Voices rise in protest, a chorus of dissent,
but their cries are drowned in the cacophony
of media spin and political rhetoric,
every word a weapon, every truth a target.
Activists are silenced, their passion snuffed out,
buried beneath false accusations,
their dreams of justice scattered like ashes
on the winds of indifference.

Yet, in the cracks of the pavement,
flowers of resistance begin to bloom,
defiant petals unfurling in the face of decay.
Hope takes root in the hearts of the brave,
nourished by the tears of the oppressed,
fed by the unwavering belief
that justice, though delayed, cannot be denied.
Their whispers grow louder, a symphony of defiance,
a beacon of light in the suffocating dark.

Beneath the towering skyscrapers,
in the alleyways and forgotten corners,
stories of courage ignite like wildfire,
spreading through the veins of the city,
purging the poison with every act of defiance.
The walls of corruption tremble,
cracks appearing in their once impenetrable surface,
as the voices of the many rise against the few,
a tidal wave of righteousness that cannot be turned back.

Veins of decay may run deep,
but the heart of the city beats with resilience,
its lifeblood the courage of those who refuse to yield.
In the end, truth pierces through the darkness,
a blade of light cutting through the fog of lies,
and the edifice of corruption crumbles,
reduced to dust by the relentless march of justice.
From the ruins, a new dawn rises,
bathed in the golden light of integrity,
a testament to the power of the human spirit,
unbowed, unbroken, and free.

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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