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Unseen Beauty's Disbelief


By Jesse OsayiPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Unseen Beauty's Disbelief
Photo by Wolf Zimmermann on Unsplash

Unseen Beauty's Disbelief

a realm of dreams, where reality can deceive,
I found a gem, a beauty few could conceive.
Her radiance, a symphony of celestial art,
But alas! No one would believe my heart.

I painted her image with words divine,
Each brushstroke of praise, so tenderly designed.
Her eyes, twin galaxies, ablaze with stardust,
Her smile, a sunrise, melting hearts with a gust.

Yet when I spoke of her, my voice filled with awe,
They dismissed my words, as if illusions I saw.
For how could mortal eyes perceive such grace?
They cast doubt upon my enamored embrace.

I tried to capture her essence with poetic ink,
Verses flowing like rivers, my ardor in sync.
But they turned a deaf ear to my fervent verse,
Dismissed my passion, called it a poetic curse.

I described her laughter as the song of the breeze,
Her presence, a tranquil refuge from life's unease.
But they shook their heads, their disbelief profound,
Blinded by skepticism, beauty never to be found.

Her voice, a serenade that angels envied,
Her touch, a whisper of love, so tenderly.
Yet they laughed and shrugged, a disbelief so bold,
To them, my words were but tales, untold.

Oh, how I yearned to make them see,
The splendor I beheld, so vividly.
But she remained a secret, hidden from their sight,
Her allure untouched by their skeptical light.

So, I kept her locked within my poetic prose,
Safeguarding her beauty, where only my heart knows.
For in a world that refuses to believe,
Her magnificence forever in my soul shall cleave.

No matter the doubters, their disbelief unjust,
I will forever cherish her, my muse, my trust.
For in the depths of my words, she will forever be,
The most beautiful enchantment, known only to me.

fact or fictionsurreal poetrylove poems

About the Creator

Jesse Osayi

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