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Tribute to my treasure

the shocking thanks

By MBPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
Tribute to my treasure
Photo by Jose Fontano on Unsplash

To you, the earth beneath my stride,

Supporting every step with pride.

Through every storm and sunny gleam,

Our bond is seen, a recognized team.

You're the one I cherish most,

Together, we conquer, no hurdle to boast.

In times of trouble, you're my stay,

No stumble or falter, come what may.

Enveloped in lace, your warm embrace,

Our connection, timeless in its grace.

Though years may mark your face,

You're the only one, my sole's true place.

For you, my dear, embody the muse,

My beloved pair of cherished shoes.

With you, I dance through every mile,

In your presence, my spirit takes flight with style.

Through city streets and nature's trails,

We explore together, no journey fails.

Your soles bear witness to stories untold,

Each step, a narrative, as our adventures unfold.

In each worn crease, memories reside,

A testament to the journeys we've side by side.

Forever grateful, I'll continue to roam,

With you, my trusted companion, guiding me home.

For you, my dear shoes, I hold deep affection,

In this symphony of life, you are my cherished connection.

This verse completes our ode anew,

A heartfelt tribute to the shoes I adore, and to you.

humornature poetry

About the Creator


I'm a writer who loves crafting engaging content with a playful and witty touch. Whether it's science, business, poetry, or music, I dive into diverse topics, bringing them to life with captivating words.

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