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Seen and heard

By Danielle CampbellPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

Tone- the sound of culture screaming for freedom from the men who lack pigment and a conscience.

Brown skin standing up to black hearts

walking like thunder with arms locked

over the bridge for the right to be human.

Tears and song,

an ebony peace met

with blood and the oppression of

the red hot rage of entitlement.

1965 Lewis caused ' good trouble ' as Dr. King's dream spread to wake a nation,

yet and still white men kneel on Floyd's neck and take Breonna from her living room in a body bag


is not defined by a rainbow

because I choose a woman's breasts over course skin and hairy arms

No, it represents every spectrum of life

every shade of individuality

and should we bleed all hues together

we could paint the streets onyx

because we ALL have a pulse

PULSE : A memorial in Orlando where youth had their last dance in 2016 for their choice to LOVE.

2016-the same year Stacey took his life in a suburban bathroom with one copper bullet . He was told that HE is the wrong pronoun and after years of tiny blue pills for his ' mental illness ' he grew tired of fighting and left behind a son who will never understand

that his MOTHER was my BROTHER.

I celebrate THESE lives as I march the concrete streets of St. Petersburg for the right to live without a label or a stereotype.

I stand alongside my sisters and brothers of all nationalities and creeds

who honor the fight we all share

to our own degree

to breathe SAFE

among the ignorance of

a sleeping society.

" I wave my flag but never my rights in honor of myself, the living , and the souls lost but never forgotten in PRIDE of the HUMAN race "


About the Creator

Danielle Campbell

I believe in life after heartache, hope after death, and the healing sound of a sentence that rings in your ears.

God is inside, look there.

Look up when you want to see the stars.

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