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To Live

Remain Around

By Arthur WaltonPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

Want to live, woke up this morning with my total outlook on things flipped upside down, just cause you can, this could be what is needed to turn that frown right around.

Want to live, but still must search for reasons to want to live as opposed to choosing death as your solution to the equation, keep breathing, learn that death is not like going to school complete qith official paperwork and registration.

Want to live, then teach yourself to accept the reality that you have no control when the time comes to face your end result, so stay alive, start allowing laughter and happiness to envelope you as tightly as the flames from a fire squeeze oxygen out of the air when engulfed.

Want to live, learn to be self sufficient with your surroundings like our ancestors did in the old western days from the past, stay active, by becoming one with Mother Nature since without her cooperation there is just no chance of humans being able to last.

Want to live, prepare for any eventual natural disaster imaginable that could come to pass, so stock up, leaving little to chance all while total readiness at your disposal is at top of the class.

Want to live, make the conscious decision to receive the knowledge that we are born simply to live and die, be awoke, from the directions of the one in the sky guaranteeing the completion of the circle of life.

Want to live, just asking that question makes it seem that there is really a choice to be made in this situation, pick wisely, fact of the matter is there are more options available in the worst communist nations.

Want to live, why would you not after soul searching plus once you have that moment of clarity, woke, for first time in memory you know all the thoughts or ideas are genuinely full of honest sincerity.

Want to live, follow in the footsteps of our predecessors that made history as well as being considered genius level smart, pay attention, only one common denomination with these great men, they decided to fol their heart.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Arthur Walton

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