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The Stone and The Traveler

Late Mornings Now Open

By Stephen JonesPublished 7 years ago 2 min read

The night was dense with the musk of the sound. The scent of which filled the nostrils and choked the hopeful. Alone, amongst a group of strangers, shrouded by the smoke of cigarettes ignored stories and fabrications, a lone Stone shone bright. The light of the moon cascading down her twisted bounty: Side eye glances pierced the armor of the a traveler stuck in the time. That one glance eliminated all the questions that surrounded the traveler: he no longer consumed the by the night, He was enamored by her atmosphere. The whiskey blurred his mind, yet his vision was crystal clear.

Inside the tavern, the aura was rambunctious: the joy of the night's entertainment still ripe within the soul of the wanderers of the shadows. Serendipity was on tap, and the traveler partaking. Lost in the vermilion of the Stone, he could not contain the curiosity coursing through his cranium. This Stone filled the traveler with wonder and excitement: the facets of which ignited inspiration within.

Burned by beauty before, the traveler was weary. His soul was mangled from heartbreak and the lonesome road; with reckless abandon the traveler approached the Stone. Mesmerized by the beauty, the engagement was spectacular. The void that has plagued the traveler was a blaze. The brilliance that radiated and fueled the traveler caused him to relinquish caution. The environment evaporated. All that remained were two sentient creatures entranced by the fire of the other. Nothing could disrupt this.

When the night grew old, the Traveler and the Stone ventured through the sedimentary structures. As the chariot approached the effects of the elixirs began to increase. Still with clarity, the two found safe haven for the night. Wrapped in delicate linens, the Stone was laid to rest. The Stone's brilliance had illuminated the traveler so that slumber became vacant. As dawn drew near, the stone was relaxed to a point of vibration. Not wanting to draw attention, he reached out to the Stone ceasing the energy with the slightest of touch.

With reluctance, the traveler departed as the sun was reaching it's morning potential. Wanting to escape in the confines of the Stone's grasp, the Traveler embarked on his next mission. The day light was blinding. All that remained from the night was the faint scent of the Stone on the shoulder of the Traveler. As the day matured, his thoughts were still connected to the Stone. Filled with daydreams of the Stone's glory and the tranquility of the twilight, Still drunk on the Stone's effervescence, The Traveler stumbled through reality.

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