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The Sparkling River…

Hopeful Young Love became unexpectedly Dark

By Gillian Lesley ScottPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Fred Moon Unsplash

The sunlight sparkled

On the shallow river

On the bridge the two lovers stood

Although they weren’t lovers yet

And in fact they never would be

But she did not know that then

And her heart was full of gratitude

She felt beautiful

And although she was young

They could kiss

And stay in a deep embrace

And it felt more wonderful

Than childhood Christmases

From not so long ago

She couldn’t really describe the flood of emotion,

The power she thought she had

Only you can never see inside another’s head

She wasn’t good at reading the energy of another yet

What she experienced as joy

Was felt by him as not quite right

Well not enough certainly

He wanted more

She was too young

He couldn’t tell her yet.

He’d write her a letter maybe

He didn’t know what to do really

He could tell that she would break

He’d spent so much time winning her over

Even with “I Love You” and silly gifts

But now, so be it

This had to end.

She was not quite oblivious

But chose to ignore the tiny nagging doubt

It would be ok

She told herself

They would be fine

She would ride on the Harley in October

Once she was 16

And the rest.

Suddenly the sun went behind the clouds

The water below them then looked flat and grey

She felt his embrace loosen

She looked up with querying eyes

He didn’t meet her gaze

The chill in the air almost took her breath away

A mist was descending

The light from a moment before

Transformed the bridge to a hostile place.

She hauled herself up on its low wall

So she could look him in the eyes

What she saw there caused her heart to turn to stone, a boulder of fear

His gaze was hostile his mouth was an uninviting line

She moved back too sharply

He didn’t reach out

She fell flailing

Into the oily cold water below….


That isn’t what really happened

But when she received the “Dear John”

Letter some time later

On that September Day

It might as well have been.


About the Creator

Gillian Lesley Scott

Scots born Australian. Tales of being human. Despite aiming for the highest good of all, not always successful



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