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The Road Less Traveled

A Journey of Adventure and Self-Discovery

By cruddymoosePublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Road Less Traveled
Photo by Francisco Gonzalez on Unsplash

The road less traveled, it beckons me,

A path of unknowns, a destiny to see.

A journey of adventure, of challenges to face,

A place where I'll find my own special place.

The road less traveled, it's not for the faint of heart,

It's for those who dare, those who strive to chart

A course of their own, to make their own way,

To carve their own niche, to live life with play.

The road less traveled, it's not an easy route,

It's filled with twists and turns, it's without doubt

A test of our will, a trial of our soul,

A journey that will change us, that will make us whole.

The road less traveled, it's not for the masses,

It's for the few, the brave, those with fire in their glasses.

It's for those who seek to be unique,

Who yearn for the different, who strive for the mystique.

The road less traveled, it's a journey of discovery,

A quest for the new, a search for our destiny.

It's a chance to find ourselves, to know who we are,

To connect with our spirit, to reach for the stars.

So let's take the road less traveled, let's make our own way,

Let's not be afraid to explore, to live life with play.

For it's in the unknown, where we'll find our true worth,

It's on the road less traveled, where we'll find our rebirth.

performance poetry

About the Creator


My name is cruddymoose. I am a passionate writer and wordsmith, has always had a love for the written word. With a keen eye for detail and a creative mind, I try to bring a unique voice to the world of writing.

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