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The Precipice

Event Horizon

By Kaylon ForsythPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Enveloping Beauty

-Yet another lonely day has passed, but something tells me it won’t be the last.

- Finding hope in all you do, is a sure way to find the happiness in you.

- With each passing day, more time is lost, so do your best to be your best, effort is the only cost.

- Expectantly waiting for things to get better, will not inspire this kind of change, so be the trend setter.

- Living with honesty in your heart, in my opinion is the best way for a day to start.

- Never lose hope for humanity, allow the kindness you witness each day to re inspire thee.

- Creating a world that is safe for all, is not a small order in fact it’s rather tall.

- When people with like minds come together, the weight of the world becomes as light as a feather.

- We have so far as a species that we can go, we just must embrace our divinity, and to others, strength from us, should freely flow.

- Many people exist in this world, who many do not know, but inside their spirit exists a light that will forever glow.

- A time for renewal, an awakening of the masses, I feel the curriculum should include spiritual classes.

- We are nearing the point, where a reversal does not exist, we must be vigilant in eradicating violence, and in this goal, we must persist.

- War solves nothing, it only entices rage, so why would such an empty cause we willingly wage.

- Peace is the only way to be free, we must let go of war, and embrace our own humanity.

- To truly walk in spirit, to me, means embodying every trait that lies within divinity.

- I look forward to the day, where we can look into the sky, and have the memories of a war, be released with a Sigh.


About the Creator

Kaylon Forsyth

I lost my wife back in 2019 and I started this as an outlet for my emotional expression in regards to the pain from the loss, it has helped me substantially since that time, and I have put great effort into all of my efforts since then.

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